Powerful Night



Holy Quran Chapter 98 Al Kadar

by zulk

Imam Jafar al Sadiq: “The night of Kadar (Divine Decrees) is Fatima). Whoever knows Fatima well has understood the Night of Divine Decrees. Fatima was named Fatima because mankind has been prevented from knowing her.”

Very few persons have known Fatimah as she is.

Surah al Kadar tells of the night in the Holy Quran was descended upon the pure heart of the Prophet. It is night in which the divine decrees (destinies) of human beings are ascertained for a year, according to Divine Wisdom.

There is a close relationship there is between “The Lady of Islam” and the “Night of Divine Decrees”.

The Night of Divine Decrees is the disguised or unknown of “Kadar”.

This great Lady is also the disguised or unknown of Kadar.

The Night of “Kadar” is hidden among the nights of the year.

The grave of the Lady of Islam is also unknown among the graves of the great personalites. Those who wish to pay pilgrimage to her enter Medina and visit the shrines of all the other great people seek her grave not to find it.

The Night of “Kadar” is better than one thousand night worship. Greatness of it’s worship is greater than that of a long life of eighty years.

The virtue of this great Lady is also greater than thousands upon thousands of virtuous persons and her rank is more superior.

The “Night of Kadar” is the night in which by command of God, the Angels ascertain the destinies of all human beings and present them to “Wali-al-Amar” (the guardian of his command. It is a night of which in its entirety is peace and good.


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