Names of Fatima


Lady Fatima's Glorious Names

By zulk

In God’s Name Most Kind Most Merciful.

“God is the Light of the Heavens and the Earth.”

[Chapter Light (Noor) in Holy Koran].

“Truly, We have given you Fountain. Therefore, Adore your Lord and give sacrifice. It is your enemy who is without lineage.”

[Chapter Al Coser]

Fatima is Coser. This chapter 103 of Holy Koran is just one of the chapters in the Holy Book of God in which the Almighty honours Pure Fatima. She is called the Fountain, the Spring of Life (al Coser). She is greatest female in the world. She is the highest of the women of Paradise. She is the Leader of all Females of the Universe (Sayeda Tun Nisa Al Alameen). Fatima is Fountain of grace to the world. On the Day of Judgement after death, all people will seek the Fountain (Coser).

Fatima was daughter of Prophet Muhammad the last messenger from God to mankind. She was born in Mecca in 604 and died in Medina in 632 at the age of 28. Millions of Muslims around the world know Fatima by her special names. Here I give readers some examples of her titles.

Imam Jafar al Sadiq said : “Prophet said that the reason Fatima was named Fatima is because her Shias (followers) are protected from the fires of hell.”

Fatima is Mastura. She is the true woman. Fatima is essence of womanhood. She is the perfect female. She is pious and righteous. She protects her honour by her noble female characteristics. Fatima is veiled in her pious garments. Fatima is the Covered Lady (Mastura).

Fatima is called Al Zahra. She is the Light onto this world. She is light of the hereafter. Fatima is Shining Lady (Al Zahra). Prophet said surely my daughter Fatima is the highest of all women from the beginning to the end. She is a part of me, and the light of my eyes. She is the flower of my heart, and is my soul. Fatima is Beauty of Heaven (Hoor) in human form, one who whenever she stands in prayers in the presence of her Almighty Lord, her Light illuminates the Galaxies for the Angels, just like Stars shine to people on Earth.”

Fatima is Masuma. She is Sinless. Fatima is Infallible Lady (Masuma).

Fatima is Tahira. God revealed verse of Purity in His Holy Book Koran. Fatima is Pure Woman (Tahira). “God has decided to keep all uncleanliness away from you O members of the family, and to keep perfectly pure.”

Fatima is Marziya. She pleased God so much that God loved her and was happy with her. Almight is satisfied with Fatima. “Return to your Lord, well-pleased, and well-pleasing.”

Fatima is Sadeka. Truth is her and she is Truth. Fatima never lied in her life. Her actions matched her words and her words had affects on all people and all things. Fatima is the Honest One (Al Sadeka). She confirmed truths about God and His Prophets.

Fatima is Batool. Fatima is Chaste Virgin (Batool). She is without menstruation. She did not have female periods every month. Fatima is perpetually virgin. God revealed verses of purity in her honour. Fatima is cleansed of all sins and impurities. She did not bleed during childbirth. Prophet said “my daughter is chaste. She does not discharge blood in giving birth or during menstruation.” Fatima is Clean. Imam Jafar said “Hoors are creatred from pure goodness and no blemish alters them, and no senility effects them and menstruation does not pollute them.”

Fatima is Mubarika. She is holy. She brings abdundant blessings to the world. Fatima is Blessed Lady (Mubarika). Fatima gave the world eleven holy saints from God.

Meaning and Origin of the Name Fatima

Millions of people wround the world name their daughters Fatima. Fatima is girls name. The name Fatima is pronounced FAH-tee-mah, F(a)-ti-ma.

Fatima is a female name. It is spelt and pronounced in variant forms: Fatima, Fatimah, Fateema, Fateemah, Fatma and Fatmah. Also in Iran as Fateema, Faeemah, Fatemeh.

Fatima is a very popular first name for women all over the world. The name Fatima is of Arabic origin. In the Western world, common nicknames for the name Fatima is Tima.

The meaning of Fatima is "baby's nurse". Fatima is one who nurtures and brings up others.

Fatims also means "one who abstains". Fatims is a female who keeps herself away from sin. Fatims is one who says no to oppression, injustice, evil, and, all that is dark, and wrong. Fatima is doer of good. Fatima is one who never comes near immoral things.

People believe that a female with name Fatima to be a devout girl who is sincere in her beliefs. Fatima is describe a "devout" female.

May God bless Fatima, her father, her husband, her children and all those who honour her.


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