Fatima Biography



Holy Daughter of the Messenger of God

Fatimah was a daughter of the Islamic prophet Muhammad from his first wife Khadijah bint Khuwaylid. She was Muhammad's only biological daughter. There are differences of opinion on the exact date of her birth. But Muslims celebrate her birth on the 20th day lunar month of Jamadi al-Thani. It is designated Woman's Day in honour of Fatima. She is regarded as an exemplar for men and women. She remained at her father's side through the difficulties suffered by him at the hands of those who opposed God. Fatima supported her father against the Quraysh of Mecca. After migration to Medina, she married Ali ibn Abi Talib, Muhammad's cousin, and was mother to four of his children. She died a few months after her father. The exact location of her grave is unknown. She was injured when defending Ali against the first Caliph, and that this incident led to her early death.

Fatima seems to have performed three important acts of political significance, each recorded in almost all primary sources.

First, after the conquest of Mecca she refused her protection to the leader of Mecca Abu Sufyan ibn Harb.

Second, after the death of Prophet Muhammad, she defended Ali's cause, opposed the election of Abu Bakr, and had violent disputes with the new ruler and particularly with Umar.

Third, she laid claim to the property rights of her father and challenged Abu Bakr's categorical refusal to cede them, particularly the property of Fadak and a shares in the produce of Khaybar.

After her marriage to Ali, the wedded couple led a life of abject poverty in contrast to other women of Medina. At the beginning they were extremely poor. For several years after her marriage, she did all of the work by herself. The shoulder on which she carried pitchers of water from the well was swollen and the hand with which she worked the handmill to grind corn where often covered with blisters. Fatimah vouched to take care of the household work, make dough, bake bread, and clean the house. Fatima lived hard but simple life. It is said that for spiritual strength she was given the Tasbih, a divine formula to nourish her mind and body. She had to do all her household chores. Prophet asked her if she would like a gift instead that was better than any servant and worth more than everything in the world. He then gave her secret energy from God. He told her to recite at the end of every prayer the Great Exaltation, "God is Supreme" 34 times, the Statement of Absolute Gratitude, "Praise belongs to God" 33 times and the Invocation of Divine Majesty, "Glory be to God" 33 times, totalling 100. This collective prayer is called the Tasbih of Fatima. Rosary is the living symbol of Fatima's extraordinary energy. Each bead shines light on the holy lady of light.

Ali vouched to take care of the outside work such as gathering firewood, and bringing food. Ali worked to irrigate other peoples lands by drawing water from the wells which caused him to complain of chest pains. Their circumstances were remained severe and only improved following the Battle of Khaybar when the produce of Khaybar was distributed among the poor. At this time, Fatima was given properties in Fadak and Khybar. When the economic situations become better, Fatimah gained some maids but treated them like her family and performed the house duties with them.

Fatima after Prophet's Death

Just as a prophet is appointed by God alone, only God has the prerogative to appoint the successor to his prophet. When time of Prophet Muhammad's death came close, God chose Ali to be the successor, infallible and divinely chosen. Therefore, on God's orders the Prophet appointed Ali as his successor at Ghadir Khum near Mecca.

In AD 632, Prophet Muhammad made his last pilgrimage to the Kaaba in Mecca. After finishing his pilgrimage, on his return to Medina, he and his followers stopped at a spring and waypoint called Ghadir Khumm. Prophet delivered a speech to his assembled followers, in which he said:

"He who takes me as his master must take this Ali as his master. O God! Be a friend to his friends and be an enemy to his enemies; support his supporters and destroy his opposers; and turn the truth to where turns Ali."

This holy saying (hadith) indicated the intent of Prophet Muhammad. After the disgnation, the people congratulated Ali for becoming "Leader of the Believers". There were 120,000 witnesses to this declaration, including Umar and Abu Bakr who had decided to take power from Ali when Prophet dies. Hence, Abu Bakr came into be the new caliph following another pre-planned gathering. When Prophet Muhammad died, his closest relatives, Ali and Fatimah, took charge of the body. While they were engaged in washing the body and preparing it for burial, a secret meeting, of which Ali and the rest of the public weren't told, was taking place at Saqifah, which ended with Abu Bakr being chosen as the new leader.

Prophet Muhammad's wife, Aisha, disliked both Fatima and her husband Ali. Aisha was daughter of Abu Bakr. She envied the relationship between Fatima and Ali, and also Muhammad's high regard for Fatima as Khadijah's only daughter. Aisha was also jealous that Muhammad gave Ali more attention than to her own father Abu Bakr. Aisha did her utmost to promote Abu Bakr to the Prophet as well as among the people. Aisha wanted so badly to deny Fatima and Ali their dues. Therefore, when Abu Bakr successfully seized power, he immediately proceeded by stripping Fatima of all financial means: The land of Fadak
, which was a gift from Prophet Muhammad to his daughter, was confiscated and any inheritance due to her was denied.
When Prophet died, Aisha and her father, Abu Bakr, intrigued to grab assets of Prophet and the leadership of the Muslim community in a coup detat. Prophet Muhammad had wanted Ali to succeed him but his commands were ignored.

During the time that Fatimah and her husband Ali were washing and burying her father, Umar and Abu Bakr left them and went to the secret meeting at Saqifah, without informing her, her husband or any of her relatives. At that meeting, Abu Bakr was chosen to become her father's successor. Umar led a party of armed men against Ali's house in Medina and called for Ali and his men to come out and swear allegiance to Abu Bakr.

Ali refused to give his allegiance (baya) to Abu Bakr. Many other people also refused. They were known as: "Shiat Ali" (the "Party of Ali"). It took six months of threat and pressure to force the refusers to submit to Abu Bakr.

After Abu Bakr assumed leadership, he asked Muslims to swear allegiance to him, as was the Arab custom of the time. Ali and his followers refused and were harassed and threatened by Abu Bakr's supporters.

Upon his refusal to give allegiance, Ali had his house surrounded by an armed force led by Abu Bakr and Umar.

Umar took charge of securing the pledge of allegiance of all residents. He dominated the streets with the help tribal leaders, who in contrast to the majority of people, quickly became vigorous champions of the new regime.

Umar was not only one of Abu Bakr's most zealous supporters, but also his co-conspirator and in some cases his superior. Umar led a party of armed men against Ali's house in Medina and called for Ali and his men to come out and swear allegiance to Abu Bakr, who they had decided would take power in the the meeting at Saqifah. Umar and Khalid bin Walid threatened to burn the house down if Ali did not submit. Umar pushed his way into the house. Fatimah, who was pregnant, was crushed behind the door. She miscarried her unborn son, Umar's actions culminated in men breaking into her home, resulting in Fatimah's ribs being broken between the smashed door and the wall, and she miscarrying an unborn son named Muhsin.

It became evident that Fatima would not be recovering from her wounds. She still had the people's heart as she was Prophet's favorite and only biological daughter and was also the mother of Muhammad's only grandchildren. Abu Bakr and Umar went to her house to seek her pardon, and asked permission to enter. Fatimah refused to answer them, but eventually the was door opened by Ali. Fatimah, still angered that Abu Bakr was refusing her inheritance, turned her face away from them. She angrily rebuked them:

"God be my witness that you two have offended me. In every prayer I curse you and will continue cursing you until I see my father and complain against you.".

Fatima had been injured by Umar and soon died. Ali buried her at night, secretly, as he did not wish Abu Bakr or Umar, whom he blamed for her death, to attend her funeral. Shia Muslims thus blame Abu Bakr and Umar for the death of Prophet Muhammad's daughter and grandson.

When Fatima was ill with the final sickness which caused her death, the wives of the community and companions of Muhammad went out to visit her to ask how she was feeling. In reply to them, after asking for the blessings of God for her father, Muhammad, she said:

By God I am alive while I have nothing but contempt for this world. I detest your men. After I tried to show them who their real enemy was and they did not listen, I put them aside." "How ugly are the sharp edges of swords when they are broken and then play with people's efforts and struggles which so many have undertaken, destroying the fortifications, breaking spears, making devious decisions and standing on the precipice of material and personal self-desires. What a terrible future they are preparing for by causing the warth of God and thereby bringing about permanent torment for themselves." ... "God says, ' If citizens are faithful and avoid wrong deeds, We will give blessings from heaven and earth to them. But they deny the truths so we captivated them for their deeds. From those who oppressed, the results of their actions will be returned to themselves. They cannot change the traditions of history. ' ... "It is then that the destroyer of rights will lose and those who will come in the future will find and realize the terrible results of what the ancestors have done. So you should be satified with your daily affairs and live in peace prior to the storm and terrible revolts." For then, the sharp swords of the dominations of the oppressors, anarchy and the rule of tyrants will overcome you. The oppressors will enslave you. No public assets except a small quantity will remain.. They will cultivate with force what you have planted with love. At that time you will only sigh for there will be nothing that you can do because you were blind and could not see the truth. They will oblige you because you have turned your faces from the right way and you did not accept it."

Before her death she made these requests of her husband:

"O Ali, you will personally perform my funeral rites and wash my body. Those who have displeased me should not be allowed to attend my funeral; and, my corpse should be carried to the graveyard at night."

Ali did as Fatima wished: She was buried at night, and accompanied to the grave by her relatives and sons. The burial was done secretly, so that Abu Bakr and Umar could not attend.

Some major Companions of the Prophet who did not accept Abu Bakr were: Abbas ibn Abd al-Muttalib, Fadl ibn Abbas, Zubayr ibn al-Awwam, Saad ibn Ubaida, Ubay ibn Kab, Ammar bin Yasir, Uthman ibn Hunaif, Al-Bara ibn Azib, Qais ibn Saad, Abu Dharr al-Ghifari, Miqdad ibn Aswad. These and others were hounded and persecuted by the new caliph. These few men and their families had to hide and flee from their homes.

Ali took pity upon the sufferings of his devoted followers, and therefore, he stopped pressing his claims in public. He did not give his submission, bay'ah, to Abu Bakr. This was sufficient for Umar and hence superficial unity and peace was restored.

FADAK - The Garden of Fatima

Various muslim scholars commenting on the Holy Quran, Chapter Al-Hashr, verse 7, write that the Angel Gabriel came to Prophet Muhammad and commanded him to give the appropriate rights to the “Dhul Qurba” (nearest kin). When asked by the Prophet, who the “Dhul Qurba” referred to, Gabriel replied “Fatima” and that by “rights” was meant “Fadak”, upon which the Prophet called Fatima and presented Fadak to her.

Upon the death of Prophet Muhmmad, his daughter Fatimah declared her claim to inherit Fadak as the estate of her father. The claim was rejected by the ruling caliph, Abu Bakr, on the grounds that Fadak was public property and arguing that the Prophet had no heirs.

Fatima opposed this confiscation, and contested Abu Bakr's statements. Sources report that Ali together with Umm Ayman testified to the fact that Muhammad granted it to Fatimah Zahra, when Abu Bakr requested Fatima to summon witnesses for her claim. Various primary sources contend that Fadak was gifted by Muhammad to Fatima, drawing on the Quran as evidence. These include narrations of Ibn Abbas who argued that when the Quranic verse on giving rights to kindred was revealed, Muhammad called to his daughter and gifted the land of Fadak
to her.
Even though Fatima successfully defended her rights, Abu Bakr refused to return her property as this would jeopardize their newly gained power. Fatima made one last attempt: She interrupted Abu Bakr's speech in the mosque of Medinah, with a speech of her own before the dignataries and government officials. After this speech, Abu Bakr decided to return the deed to the land. However, he was stopped by Umar, who grabbed Abu Bakr's beard and demanded an explanation, forcing him to stop jeopardizing the mission. Abu Bakr yet again changed his mind.

The question of this inheritance is one of the most debated points among Muslims. Abu Bakr and Umar knew they had to deny Fatima her claim. If Abu Bakr acknowledged her claim to Fadak, it would lend credence to her lineage's claim to the succession of Prophet Muhammad.

Therefore, Abu Bakr and his successors seized Fadak and other properties of the Prophet.

When Umar ibn Abd al-Aziz, known as Umar II, became Caliph in AD 717, the income from the property of Fadak was 40,000 dinars. Fadak was returned to Fatima's descendants by an edict given by Umar the second, but this decision was renounced by later caliphs. Umar II's successor, Yazid ibn Abd al-Malik (known as Yazid II) overturned his decision, and Fadak was again made public trust. Fadak then remained with Umayyads.

Under Abbasids, Fadak was granted to the descendants of Fatimah by caplih Al-Mamun in AD 831. However, his successor Al-Mutawakkil recaptured Fadak from the progeny of Fatimah, decreeing it to be used for the purposes initially outlined by Abu Bakr.

Veneration of Fatima

Ayatollah Khomeini, the founder of the Islamic Reovlution in Iran, once said:

“If Hazrat-e Fatemeh were a man, she would be a Prophet. If she were a man, she would be on the place of the God’s Prophet. She was the essence of humanity. She was a divine creature who appeared in human body. Hazrat-e Fatemeh was a woman who came up to all the prophets’ hopes and desires. She manifested all the honorable character and prestige. She was not an ordinary woman. She was a divine woman and the sign of humanity …She is the pride of the world."

Fatimah is given many titles by Muslims to show their admiration of her moral and physical characteristics. The most used title is "az-Zahra" (meaning "the shining one") and she is commonly referred to as Fatimah Zahra.

She was also known as "Ummu Abeeha" (Mother of her Father) and "al-Batul" (the chaste and pure one) as she spent much of her time in prayer, reciting the Qur'an and in other acts of worship.

Muslims regard Fatimah as a loving and devoted daughter, mother, wife, a sincere Muslim, and an exemplar for women. It is believed that she was very close to her father and her distinction from other women is mentioned in many hadith. After Khadijah, Muslims regard Fatimah as the most significant historical figure, considered to be the leader (Sayyedah) of all women in this world and in Paradise. It is because of her moral purity that she occupies an analogous position in Islam to that Mary occupies in Christianity.

She was the wife of Ali, the first infallible Imam. She is the mother of the second and third Imams, and the ancestor of all the succeeding Imams; indeed, the Fatimid Caliphate is named after her.

Fatima hold top position among those loved by God. She is held in highest of esteem by muslims. She is regarded as being the single most ideal example for all women; in terms of her purity. Fatima is considered to be the Muslim counterpart to the Christians' Holy Mary, mother of Jesus. Indeed, one of her names is Maryam al-Kubra, or "The Greater Mary".

God bless Fatima and her children.



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