In God's name, Kind and Merciful.
God's peace be upon Prophet Muhammed and his holy family.
“In the name of God, the kind, the merciful. Say, He is God, the One! God, the Absolute. He does not beget and He is not begotten; and there is nothing comparable to Him.”
This is a brief description looking at important events in life of Prophet and his holy family.
Holy Prophet Muhammed was born in 568. He married Kadeja in 595. Their daughter Lady Fatima was born in 604. Lady Fatima married Ali in 625. Holy Prophet died in 632.
God chose Muhammed as His last divine Prophet to guide humanity towards the truth. Prophet taught people about one true God. He said that after death there would be a day of judgement. God is just and he will judge people. They will be held to account for their actions. Good people will go to paradise and evildoers will be thrown in hell as a punishment. God gave Prophet a pure book – the Koran. It is the most beautiful and powerful book in the world. “This is the book in which there is no doubt, a guidance for the honest, who believe in the unseen, and establish prayer, and spend of that we have given them; and who believe in that which is revealed to you (Prophet) and that which was revealed before you, and are certain of the Hereafter. These depend on guidance from their Lord. These are the successful.”
"God! There is no God except him, the alive, the eternal. Sleep nor slumber overtakes him. To Him belong all that is heavens and the earth. Who is he that intercedes with him except by his permission. He knows that which is in front of them and that which is behind them, while they know nothing of his knowledge except what He wills. His throne is over the heavens and the earth, and He is never tires of preserving them. He is the sublime, the tremendous.
”There is no compulsion in religion. The right direction is now clear from error. And he who rejects false gods and believes in God has grasped a firm handhold that will never break. God is the hearer, the knower. God is the guardian of those who believe. He brings them out of darkness into light. As for those who disbelieve, their patrons are false gods. They bring them out of light into darkness. Such are rightful owners of the Fire. They will live there forever.”
Prophet said, "God sent me to make perfect human character."
God said to Muhammed: “We have sent you as a mercy to the whole universe”.
God says, “In my Prophet, world has the best example to follow”.
If you want God to love you, then there is a condition. It is to obey the Holy Prophet. "If you love God then follow me, then God will love you."
God says: "Take what the Prophet gives you and leave what he forbids you."
In his holy book, God honours the Prophet: “God and his angels bless the Prophet. Bless him O believers with proper blessing”.
Holy Prophet’s parents were Abdola and Amena. He was son of Abdola son of Abdul Motalib son of Hashim a great descendent of Esmael the first son of Ebrahem.
Abra came with elephant army to demolish kaba in 568. Amena was pregnant then. Abdul Motalib asked God to save divine house built by Ebrahem and Esmael. God sent birds to pelt hot pebbles on the army. Fiery stone rain destroyed the evil general and his elephant army.
Amena daughter of Wahab give birth to the Holy Prophet in 568. God would not let Amena be distressed. Divine miracle aided provided safety for his holy messenger.
Amena died when Holy Prophet was six years old. His uncle Abu Talib and his wife
In 595, the Holy Prophet married Kadeja. Kadeja was pure and honourable woman. She was merchant of
In 600, Abu Talib's wife Fatima Bint Asad went to kaba and gave birth to Ali. A holy son was in God’s house. His name was Ali meaning high. God’s light is with us. Holy Prophet loved Ali as his young brother. Prophet raised Ali, and gave him pure and perfect knowledge of God and things unseen.
Holy Prophet had one daughter whom God had named
”And God speaks to mankind in examples, for God is the knower of all things. Its in houses which God has allowed to be exalted and that his name shall be remembered in them. Do praise him at morning and at evening. Men whom neither merchandise nor sale distracts from remembrance of God and constancy in prayer and paying to the poor their due; who fear a day when hearts and eyeballs will be overturned, that God may reward them with the best of what they did, and increase reward for them of His bounty. God gives blessings without measure to whom He wills.”
In 603, God sent Angel Gabrial bring the Holy Prophet across the universe to tuba tree. Holy Prophet went with Gabriel. “I would not have created this universe had I not created you. I would not have created you had I not created Ali. I would not have created both of you had I not created Fatima.” Holy Prophet arrived at the sacred tree in heaven. There, God placed Lady Fatima in the fruit of tuba tree. Angel gave this fruit of light to the Holy Prophet and he ate it. Holy Prophet came back to earth and slept with his wife Kadija. Lady Fatima was born nine months later. To help Kadeja give birth, God sent holy ladies Mary, Aseya, Safora and Calsom. “Indeed we have given you Cosar [Fountain]; so pray to your Lord and sacrifice. It is your abuser who is cut off.”
“In the name of God, the Kind, the Merciful. Praise is to God, lord of the worlds; the kind, the merciful; master of the judgement day. You we worship, you we ask for help. Show us the straight path - path of those whom you have favoured; not of those who earn your anger nor of those who go astray.”
Lady Fatima is the powerful night as mentioned in chapter 97 of the Koran. "Indeed, we revealed it on the night of power. But what will tell you what the night of power is. The night of power is better than a thousand months. During it the Angels and the Spirit come down by the permission of their Lord, with all decrees. Peace until the rise of dawn." He who knows
Ali and Holy Prophet often went to cave hera on sur mountain near
Ali was first to hear words of God. Ali believed in God and His Holy Prophet and loved the Koran. Holy Prophet and Ali came and told the good news to the family. They all believed. Kadeja, Abu Talib, and Fatima Bint Asad, were overjoyed. They vowed to support the Holy Prophet in his divine work. But the leaders of
When God ordered His Holy Prophet to warn his kinsmen, Abu Talib offered his home for the grand meeting. Abu Talib’s son Ali prepared food as a feast for elders of the Hashimi clan. Initiation was sent to them to come for an important meeting. Elders and their sons came and enjoyed the food. Holy Prophet gathered his kinsmen and presented book of God to them. He told them God had chosen him as divine messenger for the whole world. He informed his clan of his purpose and invited them to join him and help him. He offered them success in this world eternal life in
Holy Prophet’s own clan joined the leaders of
In heaven, angels around the throne watched this scene. God said: “Would any of you risk his life to save the other.” Angels said no they wouldn’t. God said: “Why couldn’t you be like Ali. He has sacrificed himself to save the life of his brother. Go to earth and protect Ali.” Angels came down and stood at bed of Ali. They sang Ali’s praises and guarded him as he slept. When assassins jumped the wall to attack the Holy Prophet, they found Ali sleeping on the bed. He was only one in the house. They were angry and rushed out to look for the Holy Prophet. Too late, God’s Prophet was saved.
Holy Prophet waited for Ali at Coba. He built a house of worship there in name of Ali. It was first masjid of Islam. When Ali arrived at Coba, he and Holy Prophet both prayed there. Both brothers then together entered Yasrab, city of illnesses. Their light and blessing cleansed the city. Yasrab became a shining light. Its name was now city of
Holy Prophet loved his daughter and used to get up when she entered the room. “
God bless you pure lady, you are proof for your father and your husband just as they are God's proofs upon the universe. The cosmos cannot survive without Muhammad and Ali, and it would not been created except for your sake O honourable Zahra.
It is essential for a seeker of truth to be fully aware of contents of Koran, the book of God and to love the holy five sent on earth. Prophet made it so easy for seekers and believers of truth. "I ask nothing of you except love for
Holy Prophet loved Fatima and all those who were dear to her. He gathered holy family under sacred cloak. Holy Prophet called Fatima, Ali, Hasan and Husain and covered them under his mantle. He prayed to God: “These are people of my house. Bless them O Lord.” Angel Gabriel came down from heaven with the message from His Lord: “God wishes nothing but to keep away from you all evil and make you perfect O people of the house.” The Angel of light then went under the cloak of the Prophet and sat among the holy family.
These were holy five who loved God the most. God loved these five the most. In them are hidden secrets of God, the Creator of all. They are the Great Ark of Salvation. Prophet said: “My holy family is like the ship of Prophet Nuh. Whoever gets on board is saved. Whoever abandons is drowned”. In 2011, world is witnessing that the tremendous revolutionary power of five is alive.
God revealed in His book many verses about His High Five. They are creation’s guardians. They have authority from God. “Your protector is God and his messenger and believers who pay charity even as they bow to God”. It was Ali who while bowing to God gave his ring to a beggar. “Obey God, and the prophet and those in authority.”
Ali was a brave man, full of love for God and loyalty the Holy Prophet. Ali always defended God and the Holy Prophet. He fought those who attacked the Holy Prophet with their mouth or with their hand. He protected the Holy Prophet from attacks by enemies. Many times, life of the Holy Prophet came under direct threat. It was Ali who again and again saved the life of Prophet. In the battles of bader, ohad, kandak, and khybar, Ali achieved victory after victory for his master. In badr, Ali alone killed most of the enemies of Prophet. In ohad, everyone ran away out of fear, but Ali remained with his master on the battlefield and defended God’s law and His Messenger. In khybar, when no muslim could defeat evil, Prophet said to his men, “Tomorrow I will certainly give the standard to the man, who is a fighter, who attacks evil repeatedly, who loves God and his Prophet, and God and his Prophet love him; on his hand God has written victory.” Prophet called on Ali and handed him the standard of truth. Ali went and killed enemies of the Prophet and conquered khybar. Ali defeated mighty warrior of
In kandak all of evil had gathered in its full strength and came nearest to destroying the truth. Evil came very close to killing the Holy Prophet at kandak. Ali was complete truth. Perfect evil and perfect good faced each other. Prophet said: “Complete truth is heading to fight complete evil”. Ali won. Truth lived. Evil was slain. Prophet told his men: “Greatness of the strike of Ali on day of kandak is greater than worship of entire universe”. Ali’s defeating complete evil at kandak was greater then all battles that human had and would fight against forces of darkness. Prophet said “Truth is with Ali and Ali is with Truth; they will never seperate from each other.” God loves Ali. He became his eyes, his ears, his hand, his feet. Ali now had divine qualities and powers given to him by his Creator. But he did not often use them, preferring to live as an ordinary man, even sleeping on dusty ground. He was struck with the sword of Eben Molgem and died three days later in the year 661. Ali’s holy grave is in the city of
Holy Prophet was God’s last messenger. Koran was God’s last book. Before his death the Holy Prophet was ordered by God to appoint Ali leader [imam] of pious people. Ali was first of twelve authorities as leaders of those who would believe God and do what is good. God said appointed Ali for the people, because without this effort of my messengers and prophets would be wasted. “Show what God has given you, O Prophet. If you fail in this, then you would not have shown anything to humanity.”
Holy Prophet gathered his followers at place called Ghadir. Holy Prophet gave a sermon designating Ali as his successor. In a long speech the Holy Prophet said: “If I am your master then Ali is your master. O God, help those who help him and oppose those who hate him.”
God sent angel Gabriel to announce a great day. “This day I have made perfect your religion for you and completed my favour upon you, and selected for you Islam as your path.”
Essentially, the religion of Islam is about making contact with one true God through His own chosen representatives. These divine men and women of light are pure and sinless. They are infallible guides for humanity. They are our role perfect models. By loving these men and women, and hence following their ways, God gives human beings success and happiness in this world and in life after death.
Last messenger sent by God to guide humanity towards Himself was Holy Prophet Muhammad son of Abdullah. God gave him the book Koran to give to humanity. When Holy Prophet died in A.D. 632, he appointed Ali son of Abu Talib as his successor according to instructions from God. Thus Holy Prophet left behind Koran and Ali for the all the world. Prophet said: “Teach your children to love my family and love of the book of God.” Ali became known as Leader of the Believers, the Commander of the Faithful, Ameer al Momineen. Prophet said: "I am leaving behind for you two great things, book of God and my descendents. If you hold fast to them you will never go astray." Koran and Ali are the two lights of God.
Prophet predicted that there would be total of twelve divine leaders [imams] from his lineage: Names of the holy leaders are Ali, Hasan, Husain, Sajad, Bakir, Sadiq, Kazim, Raza, Taqi, Naqi, Askari, and Mahdi. The last imam, Al Mahdi is the expected messiah who will come to fill earth with peace and justice. Prophet said Jesus son of Mary will be sent by God to serve under Mahdi. God bless Prophet Muhammad and his holy descendents.
Ali was the successor appointed at Ghadir by the Holy Prophet himself. What occurred after Ghadir is a sad and terrible turn of events in muslim history. It began with a coup and ended in brutal slaying of Husain. In fact, killing of Husain, grandson of the Holy Prophet, at
Here is brief account of what is happened to Prophet, Ali,
People who followed Holy Prophet and Ali his true successor, they became known as Shia [Party] of Ali. Others denied Ali, and refused to obey God's wishes. They rejected the choice of God, and abandoned Ali. Immediately after the death of Holy Prophet in 632, they met in Sakifa and selected their own men to lead them. First of these illegal rulers were Abu Baker, then Omer, then Osman, then Muaweya, then Yazid, and so on. Their reign was ruthless. These dictators persecuted the friends and family of the Holy Prophet.
Abu Baker killed many disciples of the Holy Prophet who did not accept him and wanted Ali as God had commanded. To slay them, he used pretext that they are refusing to pay religious charity. Abu Baker also confiscated property of Muhammad. The Holy Prophet’s daughter Fatima should have inherited lands of Fadak, and other estates. But no inheritance was allowed for daughter of the Holy Prophet.
Omer attacked the house of Fatima, daughter of Holy Prophet. Omer tied Ali with ropes and dragged him before Abu Baker in order to force Ali to recognise the new regime in
Osman placed as governors across muslim lands all the former enemies of the Holy Prophet. Muaweya went to war with Ali in 656. He had Ali killed and then had Ali’s son Hasan poisoned.
Yazid massacred Husain and his family at
Within 50 years of Holy Prophet’s death, knees of muslim rulers were in blood of his holy family. Kings had also butchered thousands of ordinary muslims.
Even Holy Prophet’s wife Aisha took part in the mass killings of muslims in
This was a very short summary of events in early years of Islamic history. The books of history provide full details of the terrible oppression endured by Holy Prophet Muhammad's family following his demise.
"Indeed, this Koran guides one to what is straight forward, and reassures believers who act honourably that they shall have a great reward. Yet we have prepared painful penalty for those who do not believe in the hereafter."
“By the period of time, indeed man is at a loss; except those who believe and do good works, and exhort one another to truth and exhort one another to be patience.”
“Say: O disbelievers! I worship not that which you worship; nor worship you that which I worship; and I shall not worship that which you worship; nor will you worship that which I worship. To you be your religion, and to me my religion.”
“Say, I seek refuge in the Lord of the dawn, from the evil of that which He created; from the evil of the darkness when it is intense, and from the evil of malignant witchcraft, and from the evil of the envier when he envies.”
“Say, I seek refuge in the Lord of mankind, the King of mankind, the God of mankind; from the evil of the sneaking whisperer, who whispers in the hearts of mankind, of the jinn and of mankind.”
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