Divine Daughter


Brief introduction to The Holy Lady


Holy Daughter of the Divine Messenger

By Zulq (2010)

Fatima very rarely left her home. Whenever her father used to take her along, she would accompany him on his journey. But she mostly remained within her home. She was dedicated to home life. A dutiful mother devoted to her children and her husband. Fatima was the ideal wife. She busied herself with worship of God and upbringing of her children. Angels provided her with wonders of the Lord. She never became bored inside her home. She has an ideal husband who loved her more than life itself. She was blessed with four children and a father who was the Divine Messenger. She had access to God Himself. God loved her and strengthened her with Divine Spirit. Fatima in Medina and inside her own home was Queen of the Universe. The very Cosmos was at her service. But she did not exercised her power. She was humble and patient. She could if she wished called on angels and hurs from Heaven to come down on earth to help her. But she preferred to work with her own hands and do her own things. She would get tired like any other woman doing her house work. She would suffer hunger, pain and poverty like ordinary people. Thus she became a modal to all pious women.

Fatima: God bless her and her father, and her husband and her children.

The Luminous (Al Zahra)
The Chaste (Al Batool)
The Honest (Al Sideeka)
The Blessed (Al Mubaraka)
The Cleansed (Al Tahira)
The Pious (Al Zakiya)


Mubahila Victory


* * * * *


Christians from Najran came to Holy Prophet Mohammed and said: Jesus is God.

Prophet said to Christians. Allah is God. Jesus is messenger of Allah.

Christians said to Prophet: No, you are wrong. Allah is not God. Only Jesus is God. Allah is a false God.

Prophet said: If you are honest, then let us see who is lying and who is speaking the truth. Why don’t we both ask the God we believe is true.

Christians said: Ask what.

Prophet said: You ask Jesus and I will ask Allah. Let us pray to the the true God and ask him to destroy the one who is lying. You ask Jesus to curse me; and I will ask Allah to punish you. Is this way to settle the truth acceptable to you?

Christians agreed. They said: Yes, that is a fair thing to do.

Christians and Prophet decided to meet in the open desert outside Medina. Prophet wanted people to witness this challenge [Mubahila].

Christians Priests and Bishops arrived wearing known religious cloaks and garments. Christian leader was waiting to see whom the Prophet would bring along to prove Allah is true God and Jesus is only a Messenger.

The Holy Prophet set out from his house with his holy family. He held hands of his two young grandsons Hasan and Husayn walking on his sides. Their father Ali was walking behind him. Their mother Fatima was walked behind them all. These five walked from Medina to a place agreed by the Christians.

Suddenly, the Christians decided to give up.

Christians saw Mary when they saw Fatima. The sight of Prophet’s daughter shook the souls of Christians. They talked to one another. Their Bishops said: We should not go through with this challenge. If this humble lady lifts her hands towards the sky and prays against us, then truly there will not be left any Christian on the Earth. Mohammed brought with him his simple and pious members of his closest family. All of them seem true. Christian leader decided to back off against Prophet Mohammed. They abandoned the challenge. Christians said to the Prophet: We are sorry to trouble you. Please accept our apologies. Prophet forgave them. Fatima prayed for them. Christians had respected her and spoke of her high honourable status. Christians presented gifts to Prophet and his daughter. People of Medina celebrated the victory as a great day for God and His Holy Prophet. It was Eid ul Mubahila.

God bless Fatima, her father, her husband, her sons.


* * * * *


Mystical Cloak




Hadis Al Kisa

by zulk

Report from Fatima, the daughter of God’s Messenger. She said:

One day my father, God’s Messenger, came to my house and said to me:

"Peace be on you, Fatima."

I said:

"And upon you be peace"

He said:

"I feel weakness in my body"

I said:

"God protects you from weakness, father"

He said:

"Fatima, please bring Yemeni Shawl and cover me with it"

So, I brought the Yemeni Shawl and covered him with it.

Then, I looked at him and saw that his face was shining like a full moon with its glory and splendour.

After a while, my son Hasan came in and said:

"Peace be on you, mother"

I said:

"And upon you peace, O light of my eyes, and the delight of my heart"

He said:

"Mother! I smell a fragrance so sweet and so pure as that of my grandfather, God’s Messenger"

I said:

"Yes. Your grandfather is lying underneath the Shawl"

Hasan went near the Shawl and said:

"Peace be on you, my grandfather, God’s Messenger; May I enter the Shawl with you?"

He said:

"And upon you peace, my son and the master of my fountain (Kauthar), you are given the permission to enter"

So, Hasan entered the Shawl with him.

After a while, my Husain came in and said:

"Peace be on you, mother"

I said:

"And upon you peace, O light of my eyes, and the delight of my heart"

He said:

"Mother! I smell a sweet fragrance like that of my grandfather, God’s Messenger"

I said:

"Yes. Your grandfather and your brother are lying underneath the Shawl"

Husain stepped towards the Shawl and said:

"Peace be on you, my grandfather, the Chosen of God; May I enter the Shawl with you?"

He said:

"And upon you peace, my son and mediator of my followers, you are given the permission to enter"

So, Husain entered the Shawl with them.

After a while, Abul Hasan, Ali bin Abi Talib came in and said:

"Peace be on you, O daughter of God’s Messenger"

I said:

"And upon you peace, O father of Hasan, and the Commander of the faithful"

He said:

"Fatima! I smell a sweet fragrance like that of my brother, (my cousin), God’s Messenger"

I said:

"Yes. He is underneath the Shawl with your two sons"

So, Ali went near the Shawl and said:

"Peace be on you, God’s Messenger; May I enter the Shawl with you?"

He said:

"And upon you peace, my brother, my legatee, my successor, and my standard bearer, you are given the permission to enter"

So, Ali entered the Shawl with them.

Then I stepped forward and said:

"Peace be on you, my father, O God’s Messenger; May I enter the Shawl with you?"

He said:

"And upon you peace, my daughter, O part of my self; you are given the permission to enter"

So, I entered the Shawl with them.

Getting together underneath the Shawl, my father, God’s Messenger, held the two ends of the Shawl and raised his right hand towards the heavens and prayed:

"O God, these are the People of my House (alolbet). They are my trusted and my supporters. Their flesh is my flesh and their blood is my blood. Whoever hurts them, hurts me too. Whoever displeases them, displeased me too. I am at war with those at war with them. I am at peace with those at peace with them. I am the enemy of their enemies and I am the friend of their friends. They are from me and I am from them. O God! Bestow Your Blessings, Benevolence, Forgiveness and Your pleasure upon me and upon them. And remove impurity from them and keep them thoroughly pure"

Then the Lord, Almighty God said:

"O My angels! O Residents of My Heavens, verily, I have not created the erected Sky, the stretched earth, the illuminated moon, the bright sun, the rotating planets, the flowing seas and the sailing ships, but for the love of these Five lying underneath the Shawl"

Gabriel, the trusted angel, asked:

"Who are under the Shawl?"

The Almighty answered:

"They are the Household of the Prophet and the assets of Prophethood. They are: Fatima, her father, her husband and her two sons"

Gabriel said:

"O Lord, May I fly to earth to be the sixth of them?"

God said:

"Yes. You are given the permission"

Gabriel, the trusted, landed near them and said:

"Peace is on you, O God’s Messenger. The All-Highest conveys His peace on you and His greetings and says:

‘By My Honour and Glory, O My angels! O Residents of My Heavens, verily, I have not created the erected Sky, the stretched earth, the illuminated moon, the bright sun, the rotating planets, the flowing seas and the sailing ships, but for your sake and love’. God has given me permission to enter the Shawl with you. May I join you, O God’s Messenger?"

The Messenger said:

"And peace be on you, O trusted bearer of God's verses! You are granted the permission"

So, Gabriel entered the Shawl with us and said to my father:

"God sends His Revelations to you: ‘Verily God's desire is to remove blemish from you, O People of House (elolbet) and purify you with a perfect purification’."

Then Ali said to my father:

"O God’s Messenger, tell me: What significance has God reserved from His grace for this gathering of ours under this Shawl?"

The Messenger said:

"I swear by He who rightfully appointed me a Prophet and selected me with Prophethood as a saviour: this episode of ours will not be recounted in any gathering from the gatherings of the people of the earth where a group of our Shias and lovers are present except that there will descend upon them mercy! And angels will encircle them asking God the remission of their sins until the assembly disperses!"

So Ali said:

"In that case, we have attained success, and our Shias have attained success, by the Lord of the Kabah!"

Then my father God’s Messenger said:

"O Ali! I swear by He who rightfully appointed me a Prophet and selected me with Prophethood as a saviour: this episode of ours will not be recounted in any gathering from the gatherings of the people of the earth where a group of our Shias and lovers are present and there be a person present full of grief except that God will remove his grief! And no person in distress except that will dispel his distress! And no seeker of any wish except that God grants his wish!“

Ali said:

"In that case, by God! We have attained success and felicity, and our followers also have attained success and felicity, in this world and the hereafter, by the Lord of the Kabah!"



Holy Sayings



By Zulq (2011)

Words of God are most powerful force in the Universe. Second to God’s own mighty words are the beautiful words of His beloved friends - Fatima, her father, her husband and her sons. Sayings of these holiest five people are sacred words because God approves them. They reveal to us the true and full meaning of reality behind the natural world. Books of Hadith contain the holy statements made by God’s own people.

Men and women who possess faith and integrity love to learn from Fatima, and her holy house. True believers all love God and they follow footprints of Fatima, Ali, Nabi, and their pious children. They have spent their life time studying the words of the holy family. They have written thousands of books explaining the deeper meaning of the sacred sayings.

We quote some sayings of Her Majesty the Honourable Holy Lady Fatima Al Zahra. Then we also give some words from her Holy Father His Eminence Mohammed the Blessed Messenger of God. Peace be upon them and their family.

Sayings of Holy Lady Fatima

Lady Fatima said:

Praise and Eulogy is for God for the blessing and bounties which He has bestowed. And thanks to HIM upon what He revealed. And Praise is for HIM upon the common boons and blessings which He bestowed upon His servants without their request And upon the comprehensive and complete blessings which He granted to all and sundry and gave it to us, consecutively. Those graces and favours which are uncountable. And are irredeemable and uncompensatable due to their plentifulness of number. And the imagination of their end is out of the reach of human mind. He invited the servant to thankfulness for the sake of the consecutive and continuous enhancement of blessings. And opened the door of eulogy and Praise upon them so that He may make his favours and beneficences great and plentiful for them.

I testify that there is no god except the sole and matchless God. And the rectification of the singleness of God is a word that God has declared sincerity it's reality, and made the hearts the centre of it's contact and union. And has made the specifications and research of the oneness of God's station obvious and evident in the light of meditation. The God Who can not be seen by the eyes and tongues are unable and baffled to describe His virtues and attributes. And the intelligence and apprehension of man is helpless and destitute from the imagination of his nature. God made all the beings without previous matter and sample and shape and pattern. And made them wear the dress of life by His main and might and created them according to His Devine will and Intention short of it that He might have needed their creation or have wished any benefit for Himself from their shaping and sketching except this that he wanted to give a proof of His wisdom and make the mankind aware about His obedience and submission and invited them to his servitude and worship and make His Invitation grand and ostentatious.

God fixed the reward for His obedience and torment for His insubordination and disobedience so that He may restrain His servants from His wrath and fury and lead them to His paradise.

And I testify that my father Mohammad is the apostle and the servant of God. And God selected and chose him before appointing him at the post of Prophethood. And He named him before choosing and selecting him. And chose him before sending and delegating him. Then all the creations were hidden and covered in the covers of unseen and were hidden amid the screen and curtain of fear and fright and stayed near the last and final border of non-existence for God was aware of and knew the end of matters and because of His encompassing the incidents of times and ages and His knowledge of the predestines. God chose him so that he may complete and finalise His matter and Implement His order and materialise His decrees and predestines.

God saw nations and groups had various different sects in their religion and scattered and staying on the verge of the fires of differences, busy with the their idol worshipping. They denied God with all the signs and symbols of HIM. So God illuminated the darknesses through my father Mohammad and removed the darknesses from their hearts, removed the blindness of the eyes.

My father stood up with guidance among the people. And saved them from perversion and aberration, and turned their blindness into enlightenment and guided them towards the firm religion. And called them to the straight way.

You the servants of God, are the ones to maintain His injunctions and prohibitions, and the carriers of His religion, and His revelation, and the trustees of God upon your souls, and the propagators of His religion among the other nations.

Oh the servants of God! Know the real leader from God is present among you and the commitment has previously been made to you and the remaining and left over of the prophet hood has been appointed for your guidance. That is the speaking book of God the truthful Quran, and a beaming and gleaming light, in which all the secrets and facts about the completion of man and his prosperity have been exhibited and illuminated. It guides from darkness towards light of guidance. It s followers are the subject of envoy of others.

The book of God is the guide of it's followers towards the pleasure of God. Heeding it leads to the salvation. The enlightened and conspicuous evidences and proofs of God can be obtained through it; as well as the meaning of His intentions and fear invoking constraining prohibitions; and , His sufficing testimonies and conspicuous arguments, and desired virtues and allowed endowments and gifts and obligatory divine laws.

God made the faith for you as a purity from polytheism. And prayer is the cause of your getting away from arrogance. And rendered alms for the purity of your soul and flourishment and expansion of your sustenance. And rendered fasting for the maintenance and firmness of your sincerity. And God set pilgrimage for the consolidation and reinforcement of the religion. God executed and rendered justice for the sake of putting together and harmonization of the hearts. And the subordination and obedience of us (the holy family) for the security of society's system, and Imams as a safety from disunity. And Jihad the honour and glory for Islam and abjectness and humbleness for the infidels and the hypocrites. And patience as a help for getting reward. And commanding goodness and forbidding evil for the amendment and correction of society and the public. And kindness to parents as a protection to His wrath and displeasure. And joining and connecting with the kinship and cognation, the cause of lengthening of life. And retaliation as the security of blood. And vows as a medium for forgiveness. And the correct use of weights measure a medium for stopping from selling less. And prohibition of alcohol the cause of taking distance from contaminations. And prohibition of false accusation of adultery a protection for avoiding the curse. And refraining from theft for the sake of positiveness and affirmation for modesty. And prohibited polytheism for the sake of sincerity in adoration and worship.

Certainly, a messenger has come to you from among yourselves; grievous to him is your falling into distress, excessively solicitous respecting you; to the believers compassionate, merciful. So if you assay and recognise him you will find he is my father not the father of your women. and the brother of my cousin not that of your men. And how nice a relation I have to him. So he propagated his mission. He always used to turn his face from the polytheists. And fought against them till he beat them up. He would invite people towards God by wisdom, and beautiful admonition. He broke the idols and scattered the aggregation of polytheists in a way that they fled, so that finally the hidden secret of oneness of God became manifested by him. And he made the logic of religion reach the people and settled down the foam of the camels of satan and turned the slogan yelling of those devils silent. And downed the agents of hypocrisy and mutual commitments of the infidels got dissolved till such time that, you spoke to a group of enlightened and modest men with the words of oneness of God and sincerity.

You were on the edge of a fire ditch, and were a cup of drink and the morsel of a greedy one and a firebrand of every hasty one and were being trampled on (by other nations) and drank from the contaminated waters gathered over in ditches and your energy (food) was (secured by) the leaves of trees and desert grass. And for your abjectness and abasement you were always afraid that those around you might abduct you in the winking of an eye. So, God liberated you through my father Mohammed. In spite of it that he was involved and at war against the intrepid and the hungry wolves of Arab and the stubborn refractories of the people of the books (Jews and Christians). Whenever his opponents would lit the fire of war, God extinguished it to your benefit.

Imam Hassan said: “On the Friday night I saw my mother standing in her arch of prayer. She was continuously kneeling and performing prostration till the dawn broke. I would hear her pray for the faithful men and women, but she did not at all pray for herself. I said, Oh mother why did you not pray for yourself like you prayed for others? so she replied, Oh my son, first thy neighbour and there after your own house.”

The Prophet asked Fatima “what is the thing which is a blessing for woman?” She said: “She must not see a (strange) man and a man must not see her.”

One day a lady came to Fatima said 'I have a weak old mother who does not know a few problems about her prayers. She has sent me towards you to ask you.” Fatima replied to her queries. And the number of her queries reached to ten and Fatima replied to all her questions. Then she felt ashamed asking so many questions and said, 'Oh daughter of the Prophet, 'I do not put you to more inconvenience than this.' Fatima said, 'Ask me what you do not know. Have you ever seen a person who is one day hired to carry a heavy thing to the roof top from ground for a thousand dinnars of gold and he may feel himself tired.' She said 'No'. Fatima said, 'I have been hired by God to get a wages which if the space between the earth and sky is filled up with pearls still would be more than it for each of the questions I may answer you. Therefore, I deserve it that I must not feel tired exhausted.'

Oh God! Belittle me in my eyes and glorify and magnify Your station to me. And inspire me Your obedience and the practice which may cause Your pleasure and the shunning and evading from things (matters) which are the cause of Your wrath, oh the most merciful of all! Oh God! Content me with the sustenance you have granted me. And till such time that you keep me alive, hide me and make me sound and prosperous. And forgive me and take pity upon me when I die. Oh God! Do not help me in something that you have not predestined for me. And facilitate the achievement of that thing which you have predestined for me. Oh God! Bestow upon my parents and all those persons who have rights of their blessings and beneficences upon me, the best of Your rewards. Oh my God, spare me the leisure and respite for the object for which You have created me. And do not let me be busy and absorbed in my own commitments. And do not torment me when I ask forgiveness. And do not deprive me of what I yearn and question you for.

The person who smells the sweet fragrance of the grave of the Prophet so what if he does not smell any other fragrance for long times to come?

Agonies and anguishes and grief poured upon me in such a way that had they poured upon days those would have turned into nights.

The dust of sorrow covered the space of sky and the sun has faded and the bright day turned bleak. The earth has become dark and gloomy after the death of the Prophet Woe! Alas! what the earth will have much of Jolting upon being separated and parted from him. It is meritorious and befitting that the east and west of the world may weep upon the parting of Prophet and the persons of Muzzir tribe and all of they rest of the Yemen tribes shed tears.

And the great magnificent mountain of the existence and the hidden and covered Kaba (House of GOD) and its pillars should shed tears. Oh last of the prophets, whose light is the source of blessing for the worlds inhabitants, Be the salutation and blessings of God the revealer of Holy Quran upon you. After you inequities took shape and variant voices were raised so that if you were present and supervising all these differences and deviations would not have taken place. You went from among us and now our condition is like the earth which becomes devoid of the beneficial rains. And your nation upset the order and discipline of matters. So be a witness and do not let their matter get out of your sight.


Who is Fatima al Zahra.

Sacred Words of Holy Prophet about his Blessed Daughter

1) The Prophet said, “On the Day of Judgment, a caller will call out: “Lower your gaze until Fatima has passed.”

God will order all men and women to bow before Holy Zahra. Those who did not love her in this life will not be able to obey God. They will be sent to the fire of hell.

2) The Prophet said, “When I long for the fragrance of Paradise I smell the neck of Fatima.”

Holy Lady gave out a beautiful Heavenly Scents. Her father and her husband loved her fragrances.

3) The Prophet said, “Of all the women in the Universe, four would suffice: Mary, Aseya, Khadija, and Fatima.”

God loved four women above all other women. Holy Zahra is highest among them.

4) The Prophet said, “Oh, Ali, Gabriel has informed me that God has married you to Fatima.”

Angel gave good news that God arranged the marriage of His Holy Zahra and gave her to Saint Ali.

5) The Prophet said, “I am not pleased unless Fatima is pleased.”

Sacred Fatima was heart and soul of God’s holy messenger.

6) The Prophet said, “Oh, Ali, God has commanded me to marry you to Fatima.”

Only said Ali was good enough for God’s Light Fatima.

7) The Prophet said, “Verily, God married Ali to Fatima.”

God Himself decided marriage of Blessed Fatima.

8) The Prophet said, “All the children of a mother are attributed to their fatherly relation except the sons of Fatima.”

Pious descendents of Holy Zahra are family of the Prophet.

9) The Prophet said, “All the children of a woman are attributed to their father, but not the sons of Fatima.”

Fatima’s lineage is Prophet’s lineage.

10) The Prophet said, “The most beloved of my family to me is Fatima.”

God’s holy messenger loved blessed Fatima the most above all others.

11) The Prophet said, “The four greatest women in the Universe are Mary, Aseya, Khadija, and Fatima.”

Holy Zahra is best of the best in the whole Universe.

12) The Prophet said, “The head of the women of Paradise is Fatima.”

Blessed Fatima is the ruler of all people in Paradise.

13) The Prophet said, “If I were separated from the fruits of Paradise I would kiss Fatima.”

Fatima’s sacred skin was a Heavenly Sweet.

14) The Prophet said, “Many men have reached completion, but no women have reached completion except four: Mary, Aseya, Khadija, and Fatima.”

Holy Zahra is flawless beauty of the Universe. She is Most Perfect of all Pious Women.

15) The Prophet said, “The first people to enter Paradise will be Ali and Fatima.”

Holy Zahra and her husband head of all Eternal people. They will lead them into Paradise.

16) The Prophet said, “The verse of purification was revealed concerning five people: myself, Ali, Hassan, Hussein, and Fatima.”

God chose Holy Zahra and her loved ones as models of perfection.

17) The Prophet said, “The best women in Paradise will be Mary, Asiya, Khadija, and Fatima.”

Blessed Fatima is higher than Holy Mary the Pious Mother of Jesus Christ.

18) The Prophet said, “The first one to enter Paradise will be Fatima.”

Holy Zahra will lead entry of all pious prophets and saints into Eternal Heaven.

19) The Prophet said, “The Messiah (Mehdi) is from my family, from the sons of Fatima.”

Holy Messiah will be the son of Holy Zahra.

20) The Prophet said, “Verily, God has weaned (fatama) my daughter Fatima and her children and those who love them from the Hellfire, and that is why she is named Fatima.”

Blessed Fatima will save from destruction all men and women who loved her and her descendents.

21) The Prophet said, “Fatima, you will be the first amongst my lineage to follow after me.”

Holy Zahra died 60 days after her Blessed Father. She was killed by his fake disciples.

22) The Prophet said, “Fatima is part of me. Whatever upsets her upsets me, and whatever harms her harms me.”

Holy Zahra’s will is will of God’s Messenger.

23) The Prophet said, “Fatima is part of me, and whoever pleases her, pleases me.”

Holy Zahra’s pleasure is pleasure of God’s Messenger.

24) The Prophet said, “Fatima is the head of the women of Paradise.”

Holy Zahra is leader of all pious females.

25) The Prophet said, “Fatima is part of me, so whoever makes her angry makes me angry.”

Holy Zahra’s feelings are feelings of her father.

26) The Prophet said, “Fatima is a maiden of Paradise created in human form.”

Holy Zahra is Heavenly Lady on Earth

27) The Prophet said, “Fatima is a Princess (Hur) of Paradise in human form, she does not receive any kind of menses.”

Holy Zahra is pure of menstruation. She is from Heaven.

28) The Prophet said, “Fatima is part of me, whatever harms her harms me, and whatever is against her is against me.”

Holy Zahra’s enemies are enemies of God’s messenger.

29) The Prophet said, “Fatima is part of me - whatever makes her angry makes me angry, and whatever pleases her pleases me.”

Holy Zahra is connected to God’s Messenger by soul.

30) The Prophet said, “Fatima is more beloved to me than you, oh Ali, and you are dearer to me than her.”

Holy Zahra and Saint Ali were part of Prophet’s soul.

31) The Prophet said, “Fatima is part of me and she is my heart and the soul which is between my two sides.”

Holy Zahra is heart of the Holy Prophet.

32) The Prophet said, “Fatima is the head of the women of my nation.”

Holy Zahra is greatest of all believing ladies.

33) The Prophet said, “Fatima is a branch of me, what pleases her pleases me, and what saddens her, saddens me.”

Holy Zahra is essential part of the Sacred Tree.

34) The Prophet said, “Fatima is part of me - whatever causes her pain causes me pain, and whatever makes her happy makes me happy.”

Holy Zahra’s pain is Prophet’s pain.

35) The Prophet said, “Fatima is part of me, whoever harms her has harmed me.”

Holy Zahra is one with the Blessed Messenger.

36) The Prophet said, “Fatima is the joy of my heart, and her sons are the fruit of my soul.”

Holy Zahra is happiness of God’s Messenger. Her Blessed Children are his nourishments.

37) The Prophet said, “Fatima is not like the women of the children of Adam.”

Holy Zahra is not ordinary human being. She did not descend from Adam.

38) The Prophet said, “Fatima is part of me - what saddens her saddens me, and what pleases her pleases me.”

Holy Zahra’s feelings influence Prophet’s feelings.

39) The Prophet said, “Oh Fatima, verily God is angry when you are angry.”

Holy Zahra’s anger is wrath of God. God has given His will to His Holy Zahra.

40) The Prophet said, “Fatima, God will not torture you or any of your children.”

Holy Zahra’s bloodline is sacred and protected.


Fatima Biography



Holy Daughter of the Messenger of God

Fatimah was a daughter of the Islamic prophet Muhammad from his first wife Khadijah bint Khuwaylid. She was Muhammad's only biological daughter. There are differences of opinion on the exact date of her birth. But Muslims celebrate her birth on the 20th day lunar month of Jamadi al-Thani. It is designated Woman's Day in honour of Fatima. She is regarded as an exemplar for men and women. She remained at her father's side through the difficulties suffered by him at the hands of those who opposed God. Fatima supported her father against the Quraysh of Mecca. After migration to Medina, she married Ali ibn Abi Talib, Muhammad's cousin, and was mother to four of his children. She died a few months after her father. The exact location of her grave is unknown. She was injured when defending Ali against the first Caliph, and that this incident led to her early death.

Fatima seems to have performed three important acts of political significance, each recorded in almost all primary sources.

First, after the conquest of Mecca she refused her protection to the leader of Mecca Abu Sufyan ibn Harb.

Second, after the death of Prophet Muhammad, she defended Ali's cause, opposed the election of Abu Bakr, and had violent disputes with the new ruler and particularly with Umar.

Third, she laid claim to the property rights of her father and challenged Abu Bakr's categorical refusal to cede them, particularly the property of Fadak and a shares in the produce of Khaybar.

After her marriage to Ali, the wedded couple led a life of abject poverty in contrast to other women of Medina. At the beginning they were extremely poor. For several years after her marriage, she did all of the work by herself. The shoulder on which she carried pitchers of water from the well was swollen and the hand with which she worked the handmill to grind corn where often covered with blisters. Fatimah vouched to take care of the household work, make dough, bake bread, and clean the house. Fatima lived hard but simple life. It is said that for spiritual strength she was given the Tasbih, a divine formula to nourish her mind and body. She had to do all her household chores. Prophet asked her if she would like a gift instead that was better than any servant and worth more than everything in the world. He then gave her secret energy from God. He told her to recite at the end of every prayer the Great Exaltation, "God is Supreme" 34 times, the Statement of Absolute Gratitude, "Praise belongs to God" 33 times and the Invocation of Divine Majesty, "Glory be to God" 33 times, totalling 100. This collective prayer is called the Tasbih of Fatima. Rosary is the living symbol of Fatima's extraordinary energy. Each bead shines light on the holy lady of light.

Ali vouched to take care of the outside work such as gathering firewood, and bringing food. Ali worked to irrigate other peoples lands by drawing water from the wells which caused him to complain of chest pains. Their circumstances were remained severe and only improved following the Battle of Khaybar when the produce of Khaybar was distributed among the poor. At this time, Fatima was given properties in Fadak and Khybar. When the economic situations become better, Fatimah gained some maids but treated them like her family and performed the house duties with them.

Fatima after Prophet's Death

Just as a prophet is appointed by God alone, only God has the prerogative to appoint the successor to his prophet. When time of Prophet Muhammad's death came close, God chose Ali to be the successor, infallible and divinely chosen. Therefore, on God's orders the Prophet appointed Ali as his successor at Ghadir Khum near Mecca.

In AD 632, Prophet Muhammad made his last pilgrimage to the Kaaba in Mecca. After finishing his pilgrimage, on his return to Medina, he and his followers stopped at a spring and waypoint called Ghadir Khumm. Prophet delivered a speech to his assembled followers, in which he said:

"He who takes me as his master must take this Ali as his master. O God! Be a friend to his friends and be an enemy to his enemies; support his supporters and destroy his opposers; and turn the truth to where turns Ali."

This holy saying (hadith) indicated the intent of Prophet Muhammad. After the disgnation, the people congratulated Ali for becoming "Leader of the Believers". There were 120,000 witnesses to this declaration, including Umar and Abu Bakr who had decided to take power from Ali when Prophet dies. Hence, Abu Bakr came into be the new caliph following another pre-planned gathering. When Prophet Muhammad died, his closest relatives, Ali and Fatimah, took charge of the body. While they were engaged in washing the body and preparing it for burial, a secret meeting, of which Ali and the rest of the public weren't told, was taking place at Saqifah, which ended with Abu Bakr being chosen as the new leader.

Prophet Muhammad's wife, Aisha, disliked both Fatima and her husband Ali. Aisha was daughter of Abu Bakr. She envied the relationship between Fatima and Ali, and also Muhammad's high regard for Fatima as Khadijah's only daughter. Aisha was also jealous that Muhammad gave Ali more attention than to her own father Abu Bakr. Aisha did her utmost to promote Abu Bakr to the Prophet as well as among the people. Aisha wanted so badly to deny Fatima and Ali their dues. Therefore, when Abu Bakr successfully seized power, he immediately proceeded by stripping Fatima of all financial means: The land of Fadak
, which was a gift from Prophet Muhammad to his daughter, was confiscated and any inheritance due to her was denied.
When Prophet died, Aisha and her father, Abu Bakr, intrigued to grab assets of Prophet and the leadership of the Muslim community in a coup detat. Prophet Muhammad had wanted Ali to succeed him but his commands were ignored.

During the time that Fatimah and her husband Ali were washing and burying her father, Umar and Abu Bakr left them and went to the secret meeting at Saqifah, without informing her, her husband or any of her relatives. At that meeting, Abu Bakr was chosen to become her father's successor. Umar led a party of armed men against Ali's house in Medina and called for Ali and his men to come out and swear allegiance to Abu Bakr.

Ali refused to give his allegiance (baya) to Abu Bakr. Many other people also refused. They were known as: "Shiat Ali" (the "Party of Ali"). It took six months of threat and pressure to force the refusers to submit to Abu Bakr.

After Abu Bakr assumed leadership, he asked Muslims to swear allegiance to him, as was the Arab custom of the time. Ali and his followers refused and were harassed and threatened by Abu Bakr's supporters.

Upon his refusal to give allegiance, Ali had his house surrounded by an armed force led by Abu Bakr and Umar.

Umar took charge of securing the pledge of allegiance of all residents. He dominated the streets with the help tribal leaders, who in contrast to the majority of people, quickly became vigorous champions of the new regime.

Umar was not only one of Abu Bakr's most zealous supporters, but also his co-conspirator and in some cases his superior. Umar led a party of armed men against Ali's house in Medina and called for Ali and his men to come out and swear allegiance to Abu Bakr, who they had decided would take power in the the meeting at Saqifah. Umar and Khalid bin Walid threatened to burn the house down if Ali did not submit. Umar pushed his way into the house. Fatimah, who was pregnant, was crushed behind the door. She miscarried her unborn son, Umar's actions culminated in men breaking into her home, resulting in Fatimah's ribs being broken between the smashed door and the wall, and she miscarrying an unborn son named Muhsin.

It became evident that Fatima would not be recovering from her wounds. She still had the people's heart as she was Prophet's favorite and only biological daughter and was also the mother of Muhammad's only grandchildren. Abu Bakr and Umar went to her house to seek her pardon, and asked permission to enter. Fatimah refused to answer them, but eventually the was door opened by Ali. Fatimah, still angered that Abu Bakr was refusing her inheritance, turned her face away from them. She angrily rebuked them:

"God be my witness that you two have offended me. In every prayer I curse you and will continue cursing you until I see my father and complain against you.".

Fatima had been injured by Umar and soon died. Ali buried her at night, secretly, as he did not wish Abu Bakr or Umar, whom he blamed for her death, to attend her funeral. Shia Muslims thus blame Abu Bakr and Umar for the death of Prophet Muhammad's daughter and grandson.

When Fatima was ill with the final sickness which caused her death, the wives of the community and companions of Muhammad went out to visit her to ask how she was feeling. In reply to them, after asking for the blessings of God for her father, Muhammad, she said:

By God I am alive while I have nothing but contempt for this world. I detest your men. After I tried to show them who their real enemy was and they did not listen, I put them aside." "How ugly are the sharp edges of swords when they are broken and then play with people's efforts and struggles which so many have undertaken, destroying the fortifications, breaking spears, making devious decisions and standing on the precipice of material and personal self-desires. What a terrible future they are preparing for by causing the warth of God and thereby bringing about permanent torment for themselves." ... "God says, ' If citizens are faithful and avoid wrong deeds, We will give blessings from heaven and earth to them. But they deny the truths so we captivated them for their deeds. From those who oppressed, the results of their actions will be returned to themselves. They cannot change the traditions of history. ' ... "It is then that the destroyer of rights will lose and those who will come in the future will find and realize the terrible results of what the ancestors have done. So you should be satified with your daily affairs and live in peace prior to the storm and terrible revolts." For then, the sharp swords of the dominations of the oppressors, anarchy and the rule of tyrants will overcome you. The oppressors will enslave you. No public assets except a small quantity will remain.. They will cultivate with force what you have planted with love. At that time you will only sigh for there will be nothing that you can do because you were blind and could not see the truth. They will oblige you because you have turned your faces from the right way and you did not accept it."

Before her death she made these requests of her husband:

"O Ali, you will personally perform my funeral rites and wash my body. Those who have displeased me should not be allowed to attend my funeral; and, my corpse should be carried to the graveyard at night."

Ali did as Fatima wished: She was buried at night, and accompanied to the grave by her relatives and sons. The burial was done secretly, so that Abu Bakr and Umar could not attend.

Some major Companions of the Prophet who did not accept Abu Bakr were: Abbas ibn Abd al-Muttalib, Fadl ibn Abbas, Zubayr ibn al-Awwam, Saad ibn Ubaida, Ubay ibn Kab, Ammar bin Yasir, Uthman ibn Hunaif, Al-Bara ibn Azib, Qais ibn Saad, Abu Dharr al-Ghifari, Miqdad ibn Aswad. These and others were hounded and persecuted by the new caliph. These few men and their families had to hide and flee from their homes.

Ali took pity upon the sufferings of his devoted followers, and therefore, he stopped pressing his claims in public. He did not give his submission, bay'ah, to Abu Bakr. This was sufficient for Umar and hence superficial unity and peace was restored.

FADAK - The Garden of Fatima

Various muslim scholars commenting on the Holy Quran, Chapter Al-Hashr, verse 7, write that the Angel Gabriel came to Prophet Muhammad and commanded him to give the appropriate rights to the “Dhul Qurba” (nearest kin). When asked by the Prophet, who the “Dhul Qurba” referred to, Gabriel replied “Fatima” and that by “rights” was meant “Fadak”, upon which the Prophet called Fatima and presented Fadak to her.

Upon the death of Prophet Muhmmad, his daughter Fatimah declared her claim to inherit Fadak as the estate of her father. The claim was rejected by the ruling caliph, Abu Bakr, on the grounds that Fadak was public property and arguing that the Prophet had no heirs.

Fatima opposed this confiscation, and contested Abu Bakr's statements. Sources report that Ali together with Umm Ayman testified to the fact that Muhammad granted it to Fatimah Zahra, when Abu Bakr requested Fatima to summon witnesses for her claim. Various primary sources contend that Fadak was gifted by Muhammad to Fatima, drawing on the Quran as evidence. These include narrations of Ibn Abbas who argued that when the Quranic verse on giving rights to kindred was revealed, Muhammad called to his daughter and gifted the land of Fadak
to her.
Even though Fatima successfully defended her rights, Abu Bakr refused to return her property as this would jeopardize their newly gained power. Fatima made one last attempt: She interrupted Abu Bakr's speech in the mosque of Medinah, with a speech of her own before the dignataries and government officials. After this speech, Abu Bakr decided to return the deed to the land. However, he was stopped by Umar, who grabbed Abu Bakr's beard and demanded an explanation, forcing him to stop jeopardizing the mission. Abu Bakr yet again changed his mind.

The question of this inheritance is one of the most debated points among Muslims. Abu Bakr and Umar knew they had to deny Fatima her claim. If Abu Bakr acknowledged her claim to Fadak, it would lend credence to her lineage's claim to the succession of Prophet Muhammad.

Therefore, Abu Bakr and his successors seized Fadak and other properties of the Prophet.

When Umar ibn Abd al-Aziz, known as Umar II, became Caliph in AD 717, the income from the property of Fadak was 40,000 dinars. Fadak was returned to Fatima's descendants by an edict given by Umar the second, but this decision was renounced by later caliphs. Umar II's successor, Yazid ibn Abd al-Malik (known as Yazid II) overturned his decision, and Fadak was again made public trust. Fadak then remained with Umayyads.

Under Abbasids, Fadak was granted to the descendants of Fatimah by caplih Al-Mamun in AD 831. However, his successor Al-Mutawakkil recaptured Fadak from the progeny of Fatimah, decreeing it to be used for the purposes initially outlined by Abu Bakr.

Veneration of Fatima

Ayatollah Khomeini, the founder of the Islamic Reovlution in Iran, once said:

“If Hazrat-e Fatemeh were a man, she would be a Prophet. If she were a man, she would be on the place of the God’s Prophet. She was the essence of humanity. She was a divine creature who appeared in human body. Hazrat-e Fatemeh was a woman who came up to all the prophets’ hopes and desires. She manifested all the honorable character and prestige. She was not an ordinary woman. She was a divine woman and the sign of humanity …She is the pride of the world."

Fatimah is given many titles by Muslims to show their admiration of her moral and physical characteristics. The most used title is "az-Zahra" (meaning "the shining one") and she is commonly referred to as Fatimah Zahra.

She was also known as "Ummu Abeeha" (Mother of her Father) and "al-Batul" (the chaste and pure one) as she spent much of her time in prayer, reciting the Qur'an and in other acts of worship.

Muslims regard Fatimah as a loving and devoted daughter, mother, wife, a sincere Muslim, and an exemplar for women. It is believed that she was very close to her father and her distinction from other women is mentioned in many hadith. After Khadijah, Muslims regard Fatimah as the most significant historical figure, considered to be the leader (Sayyedah) of all women in this world and in Paradise. It is because of her moral purity that she occupies an analogous position in Islam to that Mary occupies in Christianity.

She was the wife of Ali, the first infallible Imam. She is the mother of the second and third Imams, and the ancestor of all the succeeding Imams; indeed, the Fatimid Caliphate is named after her.

Fatima hold top position among those loved by God. She is held in highest of esteem by muslims. She is regarded as being the single most ideal example for all women; in terms of her purity. Fatima is considered to be the Muslim counterpart to the Christians' Holy Mary, mother of Jesus. Indeed, one of her names is Maryam al-Kubra, or "The Greater Mary".

God bless Fatima and her children.



Fatima Five



In God's name, Kind and Merciful.

God's peace be upon Prophet Muhammed and his holy family.

“In the name of God, the kind, the merciful. Say, He is God, the One! God, the Absolute. He does not beget and He is not begotten; and there is nothing comparable to Him.”

This is a brief description looking at important events in life of Prophet and his holy family.

Holy Prophet Muhammed was born in 568. He married Kadeja in 595. Their daughter Lady Fatima was born in 604. Lady Fatima married Ali in 625. Holy Prophet died in 632.

God chose Muhammed as His last divine Prophet to guide humanity towards the truth. Prophet taught people about one true God. He said that after death there would be a day of judgement. God is just and he will judge people. They will be held to account for their actions. Good people will go to paradise and evildoers will be thrown in hell as a punishment. God gave Prophet a pure book – the Koran. It is the most beautiful and powerful book in the world. “This is the book in which there is no doubt, a guidance for the honest, who believe in the unseen, and establish prayer, and spend of that we have given them; and who believe in that which is revealed to you (Prophet) and that which was revealed before you, and are certain of the Hereafter. These depend on guidance from their Lord. These are the successful.”

"God! There is no God except him, the alive, the eternal. Sleep nor slumber overtakes him. To Him belong all that is heavens and the earth. Who is he that intercedes with him except by his permission. He knows that which is in front of them and that which is behind them, while they know nothing of his knowledge except what He wills. His throne is over the heavens and the earth, and He is never tires of preserving them. He is the sublime, the tremendous.
”There is no compulsion in religion. The right direction is now clear from error. And he who rejects false gods and believes in God has grasped a firm handhold that will never break. God is the hearer, the knower. God is the guardian of those who believe. He brings them out of darkness into light. As for those who disbelieve, their patrons are false gods. They bring them out of light into darkness. Such are rightful owners of the Fire. They will live there forever.”

Prophet said, "God sent me to make perfect human character."
God said to Muhammed: “We have sent you as a mercy to the whole universe”.
God says, “In my Prophet, world has the best example to follow”.
If you want God to love you, then there is a condition. It is to obey the Holy Prophet. "If you love God then follow me, then God will love you."
God says: "Take what the Prophet gives you and leave what he forbids you."
In his holy book, God honours the Prophet: “God and his angels bless the Prophet. Bless him O believers with proper blessing”.

Holy Prophet’s parents were Abdola and Amena. He was son of Abdola son of Abdul Motalib son of Hashim a great descendent of Esmael the first son of Ebrahem.

Abra came with elephant army to demolish kaba in 568. Amena was pregnant then. Abdul Motalib asked God to save divine house built by Ebrahem and Esmael. God sent birds to pelt hot pebbles on the army. Fiery stone rain destroyed the evil general and his elephant army.

Amena daughter of Wahab give birth to the Holy Prophet in 568. God would not let Amena be distressed. Divine miracle aided provided safety for his holy messenger.


Amena died when Holy Prophet was six years old. His uncle Abu Talib and his wife Fatima bint Asad took care of God’s Holy Prophet. Prophet considered them as his mother and father. They protected him and loved him more than their own sons. Holy Prophet grew up the safety of the home of Abu Talib. Everyone knew him as honest and trustworthy man. Abu Talib often took his nephew on trade caravans to Damascus and Palestine. A christian man Bahira once met the young boy in the year 580. He recognised Muhammed as a divine prophet sent by God. Bahira believed in the holy child and exhorted Abu Talib to guard him from the Jews. Prophet grew up under the protection of Abu Talib.

In 595, the Holy Prophet married Kadeja. Kadeja was pure and honourable woman. She was merchant of Mecca. She sold things in Arabia and Syria and Palestine. She liked Holy Prophet and trusted him. He worked for her and made her profit by his honest dealings. Holy Prophet’s uncle Abu Taleb blessed the marriage and read the wedding ceremony. “All glory and all praise to God, the Creator of Heavens and earth, and all thanks to Him for all His blessings, bounties and mercy. He sent us into this world in the posterity of the first son of Ebrahem and Esmael. He put us in charge of the Sanctuary and made us guardians of His House, the kaba, which is a sanctuary for all His creatures. My nephew, Muhammed son of Abdola son of Abdul Mutalib, is the best individual in all mankind in his intelligence, in wisdom, in purity of lineage, in purity of his personal life, and in distinction of family. He has all the markings of a man destined to be great. He is marrying Kadeja the daughter of Kowelad and marriage gift [meher] is four hundred pieces of gold. I declare Muhammed and Kadeja husband and wife. God bless them both, and may He be their Protector.”

In 600, Abu Talib's wife Fatima Bint Asad went to kaba and gave birth to Ali. A holy son was in God’s house. His name was Ali meaning high. God’s light is with us. Holy Prophet loved Ali as his young brother. Prophet raised Ali, and gave him pure and perfect knowledge of God and things unseen.

Holy Prophet had one daughter whom God had named Fatima. Holy Prophet loved her the most. Lady Fatima was God’s light. “God is the Light of the heavens and the earth. The example of his light is as a niche in which is a lamp. The lamp is in a glass. The glass is as it were a shining star, lit from a blessed tree, an olive neither of the east nor of the west, whose oil would almost glow though no fire touched it. Light upon light. God guides to his light whom he wills. .”
And God speaks to mankind in examples, for God is the knower of all things. Its in houses which God has allowed to be exalted and that his name shall be remembered in them. Do praise him at morning and at evening. Men whom neither merchandise nor sale distracts from remembrance of God and constancy in prayer and paying to the poor their due; who fear a day when hearts and eyeballs will be overturned, that God may reward them with the best of what they did, and increase reward for them of His bounty. God gives blessings without measure to whom He wills.”

In 603, God sent Angel Gabrial bring the Holy Prophet across the universe to tuba tree. Holy Prophet went with Gabriel. “I would not have created this universe had I not created you. I would not have created you had I not created Ali. I would not have created both of you had I not created Fatima.” Holy Prophet arrived at the sacred tree in heaven. There, God placed Lady Fatima in the fruit of tuba tree. Angel gave this fruit of light to the Holy Prophet and he ate it. Holy Prophet came back to earth and slept with his wife Kadija. Lady Fatima was born nine months later. To help Kadeja give birth, God sent holy ladies Mary, Aseya, Safora and Calsom. “Indeed we have given you Cosar [Fountain]; so pray to your Lord and sacrifice. It is your abuser who is cut off.”
“In the name of God, the Kind, the Merciful. Praise is to God, lord of the worlds; the kind, the merciful; master of the judgement day. You we worship, you we ask for help. Show us the straight path - path of those whom you have favoured; not of those who earn your anger nor of those who go astray.”

Lady Fatima is the powerful night as mentioned in chapter 97 of the Koran. "Indeed, we revealed it on the night of power. But what will tell you what the night of power is. The night of power is better than a thousand months. During it the Angels and the Spirit come down by the permission of their Lord, with all decrees. Peace until the rise of dawn." He who knows Fatima knows destiny.


Ali and Holy Prophet often went to cave hera on sur mountain near Mecca. In 609 God sent Gabriel to tell the Holy Prophet to begin mission of giving final divine book to humanity. It was Koran the book of God. Gabriel came and read these verses: “In God’s name the kind the merciful. Read in name of your lord, who made man from sticky thing. Read, your lord is most generous; He taught by the pen, taught man what he did not know..."

Ali was first to hear words of God. Ali believed in God and His Holy Prophet and loved the Koran. Holy Prophet and Ali came and told the good news to the family. They all believed. Kadeja, Abu Talib, and Fatima Bint Asad, were overjoyed. They vowed to support the Holy Prophet in his divine work. But the leaders of Mecca opposed him and became his enemies. They persecuted him and boycotted all relations with him. They threatened traders to not sell food and other things to the Holy Prophet. But Prophet was safe with Abu Talib. Abu Talib provided full protection to the Holy Prophet and Kadeja provided her entire wealth to support him in his divine work. It was with help of Kadeja and Abu Talib during years of persecution that the Holy Prophet survived in those hard times. God bless Kadeja and Abu Talib.

When God ordered His Holy Prophet to warn his kinsmen, Abu Talib offered his home for the grand meeting. Abu Talib’s son Ali prepared food as a feast for elders of the Hashimi clan. Initiation was sent to them to come for an important meeting. Elders and their sons came and enjoyed the food. Holy Prophet gathered his kinsmen and presented book of God to them. He told them God had chosen him as divine messenger for the whole world. He informed his clan of his purpose and invited them to join him and help him. He offered them success in this world eternal life in Paradise in next life. All they had to do was to worship on one true God and accept him as God’s messenger. But the tribal chiefs all remained silent. They chose to continue to follow idolatrous ways of Arabia. Only Ali stood up at dinner table and offered to help the Holy Prophet in his divine mission. Ali was only fourteen years old. Holy Prophet was pleased. He placed his hands over Ali’s shoulders and thanked him. “Indeed this is my brother in this world and in next world. He is my deputy and my successor. Do listen to him and obey him“. The clansmen elders burst out laughing. “Obey a little boy!” They mocked Abu Talib: “Your nephew has ordered you to obey your own son hahahahaha.”


Holy Prophet’s own clan joined the leaders of Mecca in opposing him and his message. Holy Prophet had to leave this city. He told his followers to escape to Abesinya in Africa, and then to Yasrab in the north. This last migration was hejra. It had to be done in complete secret. This grave event marks year one of Islam. Hejra night was night of grave danger. At night the assassins gathered at the house of Holy Prophet. Their intention was to kill him. Holy Prophet’s life was under threat. Ali volunteered to sleep in Holy Prophet’s bed so to confuse enemies and allow the Holy Prophet to escape. Holy Prophet wept. He kissed Ali and then escaped safely. Ali slept covering himself with Prophet’s cloak. Assassins assumed Prophet was sleeping. They waited till the dark hour to strike.

In heaven, angels around the throne watched this scene. God said: “Would any of you risk his life to save the other.” Angels said no they wouldn’t. God said: “Why couldn’t you be like Ali. He has sacrificed himself to save the life of his brother. Go to earth and protect Ali.” Angels came down and stood at bed of Ali. They sang Ali’s praises and guarded him as he slept. When assassins jumped the wall to attack the Holy Prophet, they found Ali sleeping on the bed. He was only one in the house. They were angry and rushed out to look for the Holy Prophet. Too late, God’s Prophet was saved.

Holy Prophet waited for Ali at Coba. He built a house of worship there in name of Ali. It was first masjid of Islam. When Ali arrived at Coba, he and Holy Prophet both prayed there. Both brothers then together entered Yasrab, city of illnesses. Their light and blessing cleansed the city. Yasrab became a shining light. Its name was now city of God’s messenger. Here the Holy Prophet wrote a charter giving rights to all its citizens. He also made muslims brothers of one another. One man was twinned with another. Both had to assist and help each other through difficult hardships. Ali was brother of the Holy Prophet. Holy Prophet said: “I am the city of knowledge and Ali is its gate”. “O Ali, on the day of judgement, only you and your followers will be successful.” “Ali is to me as Harun was to Musa”. “Ali and I are from one light”. “Love for Ali is true belief and dislike of Ali is hypocrisy.” Disciples of the Holy Prophet used to use this statement to identify true muslims from fake muslims.


When Fatima reached seventeen, God chose Ali as her husband for her. Holy Prophet said God wants Ali to marry Fatima. God decided this marriage of light in heaven. Hasan and Husain were born from this blessed union of these two pure souls. These grandsons of Holy Prophet were most loved by him. He used to carry them on his shoulders. “Hasan and Husain are leader of men of Paradise. Paradise is theirs. They are its chiefs. Husan was younger and he often rode his grandfather like a horse in the streets of medina. He used to get on top of his grandfather during prayers in masjid. One day the Holy Prophet was bowing to God while leading men in prayer in his masjid. Husain sat on back of him. Gabriel came and told the Holy Prophet to remain bowing down as long as Husain is on top of you. Holy Prophet said Glory be to God seventy times instead of usual three. Congregation was surprised that Holy Prophet was not getting up and was this late. Holy Prophet explained to them God had ordered him to keep bowing because of Husain. Holy Prophet prophesied that this grandson would one day be killed in karbala. “Husain is from me and I am from Husain”.

Holy Prophet loved his daughter and used to get up when she entered the room. Fatima is part of me. I am happy if she is happy and I am hurt when she is hurt”. “Nay, God is pleased if Fatima is happy. He is angry if she is angry”. Fatima is Queen of the universe”. Fatima is leader of women of paradise.”

God bless you pure lady, you are proof for your father and your husband just as they are God's proofs upon the universe. The cosmos cannot survive without Muhammad and Ali, and it would not been created except for your sake O honourable Zahra.

It is essential for a seeker of truth to be fully aware of contents of Koran, the book of God and to love the holy five sent on earth. Prophet made it so easy for seekers and believers of truth. "I ask nothing of you except love for Fatima." But instead of loving Al Zahra, they oppressed her after her while she mourned her father's death; her inheritence was stolen; her home was attacked, and her husband tied up and forced to accept dictators.


Holy Prophet loved Fatima and all those who were dear to her. He gathered holy family under sacred cloak. Holy Prophet called Fatima, Ali, Hasan and Husain and covered them under his mantle. He prayed to God: “These are people of my house. Bless them O Lord.” Angel Gabriel came down from heaven with the message from His Lord: “God wishes nothing but to keep away from you all evil and make you perfect O people of the house.” The Angel of light then went under the cloak of the Prophet and sat among the holy family.

These were holy five who loved God the most. God loved these five the most. In them are hidden secrets of God, the Creator of all. They are the Great Ark of Salvation. Prophet said: “My holy family is like the ship of Prophet Nuh. Whoever gets on board is saved. Whoever abandons is drowned”. In 2011, world is witnessing that the tremendous revolutionary power of five is alive.

God revealed in His book many verses about His High Five. They are creation’s guardians. They have authority from God. “Your protector is God and his messenger and believers who pay charity even as they bow to God”. It was Ali who while bowing to God gave his ring to a beggar. “Obey God, and the prophet and those in authority.”


Ali was a brave man, full of love for God and loyalty the Holy Prophet. Ali always defended God and the Holy Prophet. He fought those who attacked the Holy Prophet with their mouth or with their hand. He protected the Holy Prophet from attacks by enemies. Many times, life of the Holy Prophet came under direct threat. It was Ali who again and again saved the life of Prophet. In the battles of bader, ohad, kandak, and khybar, Ali achieved victory after victory for his master. In badr, Ali alone killed most of the enemies of Prophet. In ohad, everyone ran away out of fear, but Ali remained with his master on the battlefield and defended God’s law and His Messenger. In khybar, when no muslim could defeat evil, Prophet said to his men, “Tomorrow I will certainly give the standard to the man, who is a fighter, who attacks evil repeatedly, who loves God and his Prophet, and God and his Prophet love him; on his hand God has written victory.” Prophet called on Ali and handed him the standard of truth. Ali went and killed enemies of the Prophet and conquered khybar. Ali defeated mighty warrior of Arabia after planting his flag on hard rock. He then uprooted a very heavy gate of khybar and threw it away. All men were surprised. Ali became known as Lion of God, the Hand of God, the Face of God, the Tongue of God, and the Eye of God. It was Ali on whom Holy Prophet relied to protect him. In battle after battle, Ali single handily slews the enemies of the Holy Prophet. Angel Gabriel once shouted: “There was no warrior like Ali. There is no sword like his Zolfekar”.

In kandak all of evil had gathered in its full strength and came nearest to destroying the truth. Evil came very close to killing the Holy Prophet at kandak. Ali was complete truth. Perfect evil and perfect good faced each other. Prophet said: “Complete truth is heading to fight complete evil”. Ali won. Truth lived. Evil was slain. Prophet told his men: “Greatness of the strike of Ali on day of kandak is greater than worship of entire universe”. Ali’s defeating complete evil at kandak was greater then all battles that human had and would fight against forces of darkness. Prophet said “Truth is with Ali and Ali is with Truth; they will never seperate from each other.” God loves Ali. He became his eyes, his ears, his hand, his feet. Ali now had divine qualities and powers given to him by his Creator. But he did not often use them, preferring to live as an ordinary man, even sleeping on dusty ground. He was struck with the sword of Eben Molgem and died three days later in the year 661. Ali’s holy grave is in the city of Najaf in Iraq.


Holy Prophet was God’s last messenger. Koran was God’s last book. Before his death the Holy Prophet was ordered by God to appoint Ali leader [imam] of pious people. Ali was first of twelve authorities as leaders of those who would believe God and do what is good. God said appointed Ali for the people, because without this effort of my messengers and prophets would be wasted. “Show what God has given you, O Prophet. If you fail in this, then you would not have shown anything to humanity.”

Holy Prophet gathered his followers at place called Ghadir. Holy Prophet gave a sermon designating Ali as his successor. In a long speech the Holy Prophet said: “If I am your master then Ali is your master. O God, help those who help him and oppose those who hate him.”

God sent angel Gabriel to announce a great day. “This day I have made perfect your religion for you and completed my favour upon you, and selected for you Islam as your path.”

Essentially, the religion of Islam is about making contact with one true God through His own chosen representatives. These divine men and women of light are pure and sinless. They are infallible guides for humanity. They are our role perfect models. By loving these men and women, and hence following their ways, God gives human beings success and happiness in this world and in life after death.

Last messenger sent by God to guide humanity towards Himself was Holy Prophet Muhammad son of Abdullah. God gave him the book Koran to give to humanity. When Holy Prophet died in A.D. 632, he appointed Ali son of Abu Talib as his successor according to instructions from God. Thus Holy Prophet left behind Koran and Ali for the all the world. Prophet said: “Teach your children to love my family and love of the book of God.” Ali became known as Leader of the Believers, the Commander of the Faithful, Ameer al Momineen. Prophet said: "I am leaving behind for you two great things, book of God and my descendents. If you hold fast to them you will never go astray." Koran and Ali are the two lights of God.

Prophet predicted that there would be total of twelve divine leaders [imams] from his lineage: Names of the holy leaders are Ali, Hasan, Husain, Sajad, Bakir, Sadiq, Kazim, Raza, Taqi, Naqi, Askari, and Mahdi. The last imam, Al Mahdi is the expected messiah who will come to fill earth with peace and justice. Prophet said Jesus son of Mary will be sent by God to serve under Mahdi. God bless Prophet Muhammad and his holy descendents.


Ali was the successor appointed at Ghadir by the Holy Prophet himself. What occurred after Ghadir is a sad and terrible turn of events in muslim history. It began with a coup and ended in brutal slaying of Husain. In fact, killing of Husain, grandson of the Holy Prophet, at Karbala was horrific. God calls it the supreme sacrifice. In history of humanity, there is no equal to martydom of Husain. Holy Prophet foretold that his grandson would be martyred in the path of truth. God had said in Bible He would give major sacrifice near river Euphrates in Iraq. Enemies of God began their persecution of His Holy Prophet and his noble family from the year 11 of Islamic calendar.

Here is brief account of what is happened to Prophet, Ali, Fatima and their descendents:

People who followed Holy Prophet and Ali his true successor, they became known as Shia [Party] of Ali. Others denied Ali, and refused to obey God's wishes. They rejected the choice of God, and abandoned Ali. Immediately after the death of Holy Prophet in 632, they met in Sakifa and selected their own men to lead them. First of these illegal rulers were Abu Baker, then Omer, then Osman, then Muaweya, then Yazid, and so on. Their reign was ruthless. These dictators persecuted the friends and family of the Holy Prophet.

Abu Baker killed many disciples of the Holy Prophet who did not accept him and wanted Ali as God had commanded. To slay them, he used pretext that they are refusing to pay religious charity. Abu Baker also confiscated property of Muhammad. The Holy Prophet’s daughter Fatima should have inherited lands of Fadak, and other estates. But no inheritance was allowed for daughter of the Holy Prophet.

Omer attacked the house of Fatima, daughter of Holy Prophet. Omer tied Ali with ropes and dragged him before Abu Baker in order to force Ali to recognise the new regime in Medina.

Osman placed as governors across muslim lands all the former enemies of the Holy Prophet. Muaweya went to war with Ali in 656. He had Ali killed and then had Ali’s son Hasan poisoned.

Yazid massacred Husain and his family at Karbala in 680.

Within 50 years of Holy Prophet’s death, knees of muslim rulers were in blood of his holy family. Kings had also butchered thousands of ordinary muslims.

Even Holy Prophet’s wife Aisha took part in the mass killings of muslims in Basra. She long held hatred for Ali and his children. Aisha approved orders given to Omeyas' army to slaughter the lovers of Ali. In battle of jamal, she sat on a camel and commanded her forces gathered against Ali and his friends.

This was a very short summary of events in early years of Islamic history. The books of history provide full details of the terrible oppression endured by Holy Prophet Muhammad's family following his demise.

"Indeed, this Koran guides one to what is straight forward, and reassures believers who act honourably that they shall have a great reward. Yet we have prepared painful penalty for those who do not believe in the hereafter."

“By the period of time, indeed man is at a loss; except those who believe and do good works, and exhort one another to truth and exhort one another to be patience.”

“Say: O disbelievers! I worship not that which you worship; nor worship you that which I worship; and I shall not worship that which you worship; nor will you worship that which I worship. To you be your religion, and to me my religion.”

“Say, I seek refuge in the Lord of the dawn, from the evil of that which He created; from the evil of the darkness when it is intense, and from the evil of malignant witchcraft, and from the evil of the envier when he envies.”

“Say, I seek refuge in the Lord of mankind, the King of mankind, the God of mankind; from the evil of the sneaking whisperer, who whispers in the hearts of mankind, of the jinn and of mankind.”




Fatima's Beloved




We all know who the blessed father of Fatima was. He was the greatest messenger of God on Earth. Mohammad son of Abdullah. But who are other people whom the Holy Lady loved.

Fatima Al Zahra’s mother Khadijah

The holy mother of Fatima al Zahra was Khadija, who was the daughter of Khuwaylid ibn Asad ibn Abd-Al-Uzza, and daughter of Fatima bint Zaida.

Khadija’s own mother was Fatima bint Zaida (d.575) a member of of the Banu Amir ibn Luayy ibn Ghalib tribe.

Khadija: Born 555 or 565; died 622 just before Hijra.

Khadija is first wife of Prophet Mohammed and is named “Mother of the Believers” in the Holy Quran. Her father died 585. He was a merchant and a successful businessman whose vast wealth and business talents were inherited by Khadija. She successfully managed her father's business interests and preserved the family's fortune. It is said that when Quraysh's trade caravans gathered to embark upon their lengthy and arduous journey either to Syria during the summer or to Yemen during the winter, Khadijah's caravan equalled the caravans of all other traders of Quraish put together.

Khadija earned three titles: Ameerat-Quraish (Princess of Quraish) and al-Tahira (the Pure One), and Khadija Al-Kubra (Khadija the Great). She was of impeccable character. She used to feed and clothe the poor, assist her relatives financially, and provide for the marriage of those of her kin who could not otherwise have had the means to marry. Khadija was said to have neither believed in nor worshipped idols, which was atypical for pre-Islam Arabian culture.

Her renown for business dealings caused many highly respected Arabian men to seek her hand in marriage. However, by 585, Khadijah remained unmarried.

Khadijah did not travel with her trade caravans; she relied on others to trade on her behalf, whom she compensated with commissions. In 595, Khadija needed an agent for a transaction in Syria. Several agents whom she trusted (notably including Abu Talib) and some relatives of hers recommended her distant cousin Muhammad ibn Abdullah, who had earned the honourable titles of Al-Sadiq (the truthful) and Al-Amin (the trustworthy).

Muhammad did not have any official business experience but twice had accompanied Abu Talib on trade trips and had keenly observed how Talib traded, bartered, bought, sold, and conducted business. Since hiring traders who lacked experience was not uncommon, Khadijah hired Muhammad, who was then 25 years old. Khadijah sent Muhammad word through Khazimah ibn Hakim, one of her relatives, offering him double the commission she usually paid. She sent one of her servants, Maysarah, to assist him. Maysarah gave accounts of Muhammad's performance and she was impressed.

The profit that Muhammad returned to Khadijah was the double of what Khadijah anticipated. Muhammad fascinated Maysarah more than anything else related to the trip because of many strange events which took place during that journey. The trip's measure of success encouraged Khadijah to employ Muhammad again on a winter trip to Yemen. At this time, Yemen had just been annexed by the Persian Empire, and a regent of the Sassanid King, Khosrau I, Anoshervan was ruling it. This time Khadijah offered Muhammad triple the usual commission. Muhammad's second trip was equally profitable, but little else is known.

The age of Khadijah is not well-documented. This is because Arab people were more concerned with the month than with the year. Therefore, her age has been narrated as anywhere from 25 to 40 years. Correlation of her age with that of her daughter Fatimah does not support the view that she was as much as fifteen years older than Muhammad.

With the passage of time, her admiration for Muhammad developed into a deeper affection. Khadijah was by then convinced that she had finally found a man who was worthy of her, so much so that she initiated the marriage proposal herself. Muhammad detailed all the business transactions in which he would be involved on her behalf, but Khadijah was considering leaving the financial matters to her distant cousin Waraqah ibn Nawfal.

By the time Muhammad was gone, Khadijah sought the advice of a friend named Nufaysa bint Umayyah. The latter offered to approach him on her behalf and, if possible, arrange a marriage between them.

Khadijah and Muhammad agreed that he should speak to his uncles and she would speak to her uncle, Amr ibn Asad, since her father had died. It was Hamza, despite being relatively young, whom the Hashemites delegated to represent them on this marriage occasion, since he was most closely related to them through the clan of Asad; his sister Safiyyah bint Abd al-Muttalib had just married Khadijah's brother Awwam ibn Khuwaylid.

It was Abu Talib, Muhammad's uncle, who delivered the marriage sermon saying,

“All praise is due to Allah Who has made us the progeny of Ibrahim and Who made us the custodians of His House and the servants of its sacred precincts, making for us a House sought for pilgrimage and a shrine of security, and He also gave us authority over the people. This nephew of mine Muhammad cannot be compared with any other man: if you compare his wealth with that of others, you will not find him a man of wealth, for wealth is a vanishing shadow and a fickle thing. Muhammad is a man whose lineage you all know, and he has sought Khadijah bint Khuwaylid for marriage, offering her such-and-such of the dower of my own wealth.”

The relationship was monogamous.

When her husband received his first revelation from the Archangel Gabriel, she was the first person (besides Muhammad) — among both male and females — to convert to Islam. According to some sources, it was Khadijah's parental cousin, Waraqah ibn Nawfal, who informed Muhammad of his prophethood soon after his vision of the angel.

Khadijah did not hesitate to embrace Islam at all, trusting to her husband's teachings.

R. V. C. Bodley in his book The Messenger, the Life of Mohammed, 1946:

"God is my protection, Oh Abul Kasim!" said Khadija, "Rejoice and be of good cheer. He in Whose hands stands the life of Khadija, is my Witness that thou wilt be the Messenger of His people!" Then she added, "Hast thou not been loving to thy kinsfolk, kind to thy neighbours, charitable to the poor, hospitable to the stranger, faithful to thy word, and ever a defender of the truth?"

Washington Irving in his book Life of Mohammed:

After the first encounter with Gabriel, Mohammed came trembling and agitated to Khadija. She saw everything with the eye of faith. "Joyful tidings dost thou bring," exclaimed she, by Him, in whose hand is the soul of Khadija, I will henceforth regard thee as the Prophet of our nation. Rejoice," added she, "Allah will not suffer thee to fall to shame. Hast thou not been loving to thy kinsfolk, kind to thy neighbours, charitable to the poor, hospitable to the stranger, faithful to thy word, and ever a defender of the truth?"

Yahya ibn Afeef is quoted saying that he once came, during the period of Jahiliyyah (before the advent of Islam), to Mecca to be hosted by ‘Abbas ibn Abd al-Muttalib, one of Muhammad's uncles mentioned above. "When the sun started rising," he said, "I saw a man who came out of a place not far from us, faced the Kaba and started performing his prayers. He hardly started before being joined by a young boy who stood on his right side, then by a woman who stood behind them. When he bowed down, the young boy and the woman bowed, and when he stood up straight, they, too, did likewise. When he prostrated, they, too, prostrated." He expressed his amazement at that, saying to Abbas: "This is quite strange, O Abbas!". "Is it, really?" retorted al-Abbas. "Do you know who he is?", Abbas asked his guest who answered in the negative. "He is Muhammad ibn Abdullah, my nephew. Do you know who the young boy is?" asked he again. "No, indeed," answered the guest. "He is Ali son of Abu Talib. Do you know who the woman is?" The answer came again in the negative, to which Abbas said, "She is Khadijah bint Khuwaylid, my nephew's wife." This incident is included in the books of both Ahmad ibn Hanbal and Al-Tirmidhi, each detailing it in his own Sahih.

She bore patiently in the face of persecution to which her revered husband and his small band of believers were exposed at the hands of the polytheists and aristocrats of the Quraish, sacrificing her vast wealth to promote Islam, seeking God's rewards.

She remained at his side and supported him throughout his mission to spread Islam.

Death — 619 or 623

Edward Gibbon in his book The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire:

During the 24-years of their marriage, Khadija's youthful husband abstained from the right of polygamy, and the pride or tenderness of the venerable matron was never insulted by the society of a rival. After her death, the Prophet placed her in the rank of four perfect women, with the sister of Moses, the mother of Jesus, and Fatima.

Kazi Ejaz and Ibne Abdul Bir in their book Al-Estiab:

Once the Prophet mentioned Khadija near Aisha,

Aisha responded:

"She was not but a such and such of an old lady, and Allah replaced her with a better one for you."

He replied:

"Indeed Allah did not grant me better than her; she accepted me when people rejected me, she believed in me when people doubted me, she shared her wealth with me when people deprived me, and Allah granted me children only through her."

The year of her death is known as the Year of Sorrow, because of the devastation that it caused him and it was also the same year in which his uncle and guardian Abu Talib died. She was either 64 or 68 years old (having been born in AD 555). Her grave can be found in Jannatul Mualla cemetery, in Mecca, Saudi Arabia.Many scholars place the events of the Year of Sorrow in 619, 3 years prior to hijra. Others place this in 632 CE, 10 years after Hijra.

Muslim views

Ibn Kathir

Ibn Kathir, the famous Islamic scholar and commentator on the Qur'an writes in his book Wives of the Prophet Muhammad:

Khadijah had been the first to publicly accept Muhammad as the Messenger of Allah, and she had never stopped doing all she could to help him. Love and mercy had grown between them, increasing in quality and depth as the years passed by, and not even death could take this love away. The Prophet Muhammadnever stopped loving Khadijah, and although he married several more wives in later years and loved them all, it is clear that Khadijah always had a special place in his heart. Indeed whenever Aisha, his third wife, heard the Prophet speak of Khadijah, or saw him sending food to Khadijah's old friends and relatives, she could not help feeling jealous of her, because of the love that the Prophet still had for her.
Once Aisha asked him if Khadijah had been the only woman worthy of his love. The Prophet replied: "She believed in me when no one else did; she accepted Islam when people rejected me; and she helped and comforted me when there was no one else to lend me a helping hand." It had been related by Abu Hurairah that on one occasion, when Khadijah was still alive, Jibril came to the Prophet and said, "O Messenger of Allah, Khadijah is just coming with a bowl of soup (or food or drink) for you. When she comes to you, give her greetings of peace from her Lord and from me, and give her the good news of a palace of jewels in the Garden, where there will be neither any noise nor any tiredness." After the Prophet's uncle, Abu Talib, and his first wife, Khadijah, had both died in the same year, the Prophet Muhammad and his small community of believers endured a time of great hardship and persecution at the hands of the Quraish. Indeed the Prophet, who was now fifty years old, name this year 'the Year of Sorrow.'


Fatima, the holy mother of Imam Ali, was daughter of Asad who was son of Hashim, a descendent of Ishmael, the first son of Abraham.

Asad was son of Hashim, the great-grandfather of the Holy Prophet Muhammad. Hashim is credited with initiating trade caravans of the Quraish after obtaining an edict from the Byzantine emperor, exempting Quraish from duties or taxes when operating in the countries under his domain. He obtained the same concession from the emperor of Ethiopia. Thus, the Quraish engaged in trade in Yemen, Syria and Ankara, which allowed them to flourish economically. Hashim married Salma bint Amr, a woman of Medina. He died while returning from a business tour to Syria in Gaza, Palestine in 497. His grave is preserved, and Gaza is also called Ghazzah Hashim or Hashim's Gaza. Hashim according to Shias was a Hanif, a followers of Abraham’s traditions. Hashim’s wife Salma bint Amr the great-grandmother of Ali and Muhammad. Her exact place and date of birth are unknown as are her place and date of death.


Fatima al Zahra’s mother in law, Fatima bint Asad

Fatima's mother in law was also called Fatima. She was daughter of Asad.

Imam Ali's mother Fatima was born from Asad and Zahna.

Princess Zahna is an ancestor of King David. Asad, the son of Hashim, had married Zahna, the daughter of Hofnai (530-580). Hofnai is also known as Kaphnai. Hofnai was the 32nd Exilarch in Iraq. Hofnai's father was Ahunai, the 31st Exilarch. Hofnai had daughter Zahna and son Haninai. Haninai succeed his father Hofnai and became the 33rd Exilarch (580-585). Exilarchs were leaders of exiled descendents of Abraham who were scattered around the world.

Therefore, Imam Ali is grandson of Princess Zahna. From his mother's side, Ali is descendent of King David the Prophet of God. From his father side, Ali is descendent of Ishmael, son of Prophet Abraham.

Note: Other women with the name Fatima.

Fatima was also name of the mother of Abu Talib. She was daughter of Amr. She is known as Fatima Bint Amr. She gave birth to Abdullah and Abu Talib.

Khadija's mother was also called Fatima Bint Zaida.

Fatima was also the real name of Umm al Baneen. She is known as Fatima bint Hizam al-Qilabiyya. Imam Ali had married her, and from her his son Hazrat Abbas was born who was martyred at karbala in 680.



Fatima Bint Asad was mother of Ali. She married Abu Talib, father of Ali. She had three other sons, Talib, Aqeel and Jafar, who was a famous General of Prophet Mohammed. When God’s holy Messenger, Muhammad peace be upon him and his family, began to preach divine truth, Fatima Bint Asad immediately accepted his Islam. Prophet Muhammad considered her his mother. When he proclaimed his Divine mission, she stood by him. Fatima was one of the first to swear allegiance to him and his religon, its concept of the Oneness of Allah, Messengers of God and day of resurrection. She helped Islam when it faced the economic and social boycott of the pagans of the Mecca for three years. She was also a member of the privileged group who migrated to Medina.

When Holy Prophet’s parents and grandparents died, Fatima bint Asad looked after him, loving him as if he were her own. He remembered in his later life that she would go hungry to feed him. He respected her so highly that whenever she visited him he would stand up and receive her with great love, addressing her as mother.

She died in 626. When Holy Prophet heard this, he immediately went to her house sat beside her body and prayed for her soul.

"My dear mother, may God keep you under His Protection. Many times you went hungry in order to feed me well. You fed me and clothed me on delicacies that you denied yourself. God will surely be happy with these actions of yours. And your intentions were surely meant to win the goodwill and pleasure of God and success in the Hereafter."

He gave his shirt to be used as part of her shroud. When the grave was prepared Muhammad himself examined it laid in her to bless it and then placed her into the grave. Thus, she was one of the few people whose graves were examined by the Holy Prophet. Fatima was buried Medina cemetery called Garden of Bakee.



Abu Talib ibn Abdul Muttalib, Clan Chief – (550-619) [rev]

Father: Abdul-Muttalib ibn Hashim, Clan Chief – (496-578)
Mother: Fatima bint Amr al-Makhzumiyya - (born 525)
Wife: Fatima bint Asad ibn Hashim al-Qurayshiyya

Abu Talib ibn Abdul Muttalib, Clan Chief was born circa 550. He was the son of Abdul Muttalib ibn Hashim, Clan Chief and Fatima bint Asad al-Makhzumiyya. Abu Talib ibn Abdul Muttalib, Clan Chief witnessed the death of Abdul Muttalib ibn Hashim, Clan Chief in 578; He died at age 82. On his deathbed he appointed his son Abu Talib as the guardian of Muhammad. Abu Talib ibn Abdul Muttalib, Clan Chief was made the guardian of his nephew, Muhammad, on the death of his father in 580. He was a witness to Muhammad ibn Abdullah. The Prophet taken into the care of his uncle, Abu Talib, on the death of his grandfather, Abdul Muttalib, in 580. Abu Talib ibn Abdul Muttalib, Clan Chief married Fatima bint Assad ibn Hashim al-Qurayshiyya, daughter of Assad ibn Hashim al-Qurayshi, before 581. Abu Talib ibn Abdul Muttalib, Clan Chief died in 619. He protected Muhammad while he was alive, and died a pagan, At his death, Muhammad prayed for him.

Family: Wife: Fatima bint Assad ibn Hashim al-Qurayshiyya (born 556)
Child: Son: Ali al-Murtadha ibn Abu Talib, 1st Holy Imam of Islam (27 Sep 600 - 26 Jan 661)

Hashim. (born 464). His mother was Atika bint Murrah. His first name was Amr. He married Salma, (born 468) the daughter of Amr from Bani Adi bin An-Najjar. She was from yathrib. Hashim died in Ghazza in Palestine in 497 A.D.
Abdul Muttalib. (born 496 died 574). His name was Sheba. He married FATIMA BINT AMR. Her full name was Fatimah al Koraishiya, daughter of Amr bin Aidh bin Imran bin Makhzum bin Yaqdha bin Murra.
Abdullah. (554-570) The father of Prophet Muhammad. His mother was Fatimah, daughter of Amr bin Aidh bin Imran bin Makhzum bin Yaqdha bin Murra. He married Amina, daughter of Wahab bin Abd Munaf bin Zahra bin Kilab, as a wife for his son, Abdullah. Her father was the chief of Bani Zahra to whom great honour was attributed.

Fatimah bint Amr (died 576) was Muhammad's grandmother. She was married to Abd al-Muttalib ibn Hashim. Her full name was: Fatimah daughter of Amr ibn Aidh ibn Imran ibn Makhzum. Her mother's name was Sahre, Sahre's mother was Tahmur. Tahmur was the daughter of Ubeyd, the son of Qusai.

The grandmothers of the Prophet were the noblest in their ancestry and origin of all Arab women. Ibn Asaker narrated the Prophet saying proudly on Hunain's Campaign: “I'm the son of al-Fawatem (plural of Fatima )”. Al-Tabarani cited Seyaba bin Asem narrating the Prophet: “I'm the son of al-Awatek (plural of Atika) of Bani Salim”. Al-Manawi said: “The book of Al-Sihah had mentioned that nine of the Prophet's grandmothers (from his father and mother) were named Atika”.
Qutada narrated the Prophet saying in one of his campaigns: I'm the Prophet; it's not a lie, I'm the son of Al-Awatek”. In “Al-Faid” (The Flux), Al-Minawi said that Awatek is the plural of Atika.Ibn Al-Harbi and Muslim bin Qutaiba that the Prophet had referred to three women named Atika in his saying: “I'm the son of al-Awatek of Bani Salim”. These are: Atika / daughter of / Hilal (mother of Abdimanaf), Atika / daughter of / Murra bin Hilah (mother of Hashem bin Abdimanaf), and Akika / daughter of / Al-Awqas bin Murra bin Hilal (mother of Wahab, the father of Amina), mother of the Prophet. The first among Al-Watek was the aunt of the middle one, and the middle was the aunt of the latest. Abu Abdullah Al-Talebi Al-Adawi said: “Fourteen women were named Atika, three from Quraish, three from Bani Salama, two from Bani Adwan, one from Bani Huthaila, one from Qahtan, one from Bani Quda', one from Thaqif, and one from Asa'd Bain Khuzaima”.
Ibn Sa'ed said that the meaning of Atika is the purified. However, in the dictionary, Atika means generous. Another meaning of Atika is the tanned women with yellow saffron and scent. As we previously mentioned, the Prophet would never be proud of them if they were unbelievers. “Who referred himself to unbeliever fathers seeking power and honor will accompany them in the hellfire”.
In “Dala'el Al-Nubowa” (The Evidences of Prophecy), Abu Na'em narrated Ibn Abbas citing the Prophet: My parent had never met on adultery; and Allah continued to transfer me, purified and refined, within the noblest backbones and the purist wombs; wherever branched into two branches I was within the best one”. Ibn Sa'ed and Ibn Asaker narrated Mohammad bin Al-sa'eb bin Al-Kalbi narrated his father: “I had traced five hundreds of the Prophet's grandmother, and I did not find any of them on adultery or on any of the matters of the pre-Islam ignorance”.


Fatima Bint Asad

Bibi Fatima Bint Asad. She made great sacrifices for God and and His Religion of Islam. She spent her life in service of Prophet of God. She was Imam Ali's mother. She looked after our Holy Prophet. She was like a mother to him. Prophet buried her himself. Propher laid in her grave to bless it. Propher gave his own shirt for her buriel shroud.

Her Nobility

Fatima Bint Asad was a woman of high nobility. Her bloodline came down from Abraham from both her father and her mother. It is a sacred linage. Fatima Bint Asad is a child of Ishmael and Isaac. She was a descendent of Abraham from her the side of her father Asad son of Hashim. She was also a descendent of King David from the side of her mother, Princess Zahna the daughter of Hofnai.

Fatima Bint Asad was born into a household that was the center of spirituality. Her grandfather Hazrath Hashim b. Abd Manaf was the leader of Quraysh and keeper of Kaaba. He was a capable and generous man. He married a girl from his own family who gave birth to his son, Asad, who was father of Fatima Bint Asad. The Hashimi family in the tribe of Quraysh is well-known (famous) for its moral virtues and high (supreme) humanistic characteristics among the Arab tribes. Magnanimity, generosity, courage and so many other virtues are characteristics of Bani-hashim. Abdul Muttalib , who was a very discriminating man had assessed her nature, her intelligence and her capabilities from the very beginning and proposed her for his son, Abu Talib.

Her Characteristics

Fatima bint Asad was a most remarkable lady who followed the religion of Prophet Ibrahim. She believed in Allah and acted according to all the previous Prophets instructions. She believed and acted upon all the Books of Allah which has been revealed till then (before Islam ). This shows that she and her husband were Muslims from the beginning and so they need not swear allegiance to Islam. Doubting the Iman Of Abu Talib is liking degrading this pure and pious lady, as she was in his Nikhah till his death, that was ten years from the time of her accepting Islam. She was at such a level of Piety that any Dua she said was fulfilled immediately. Even though her life was spent within the four walls of her house Fatima bint Asad was an exemplary women. She took extreme care of her husband and loved her children and above all the Prophet. She cooperated with Abu Talib wholeheartedly and she was a mother pure and simple where the safety and well being of Muhammad was concerned. No wonder he loved and respected her so highly. Fatima Bint Asad has the privilege to bring up five of the Holy Masoomeen. They were Mohammad, Imam Ali, Fatima Zahra and for a short time Imam Hasan and Imam Hussein too. Where as no other lady has this privilege. She was also a member of the privileged group who migrated to Madinah.

Her Family

She had four sons, Talib, Aqeel, Jafar and Ali and two daughters, Umme Hani and Jumana, and above all Mohammad her adopted son.

Her home was the real cradle of Islam. Both Muhammad, the future Prophet of Islam, and Ali, the future paladin of Islam, was born in her house, and they grew up in it. Both of them were the "products" of her education. Her husband Abu Talib, figures as the greatest benefactor of Islam. She shared the distinction with him of rearing and educating Mohammad.

Some verses of Moulana Hasan Zafar Sahib in praise of The house of Fatima Bint Asad and Abu Talib

"Naboowath ho, Imamamath ho, Wilayath ho, Shahadath ho
Sabih ne Parwarish sehne Abu Talib me payi hai"

Prophet Mohammad Muhammad was deprived of his mother early in life but he soon found a second mother in Fatima bint Asad. He, therefore, did not miss the love and affection that a mother alone can give. She did not spare any pains and looked after the Prophet in his infancy, boyhood and youth. She made sure that the Prophet has the best of everything. She dressed and fed him well. If her husband protected Muhammad from his enemies outside, she provided him love, comfort and security at home. It was in her home that Muhammad found emotional security and the emotional closeness of a family. Fatima Bint Asad use to put her sons on the bed of the Holy Prophet so that in time of danger, Prophet would be safe and if any harm came it would be to her son. She sacrificed her sons for the sake of Islam. When Mohammad left Mecca and Ali slept in his place she did not utter a word, Although Ali was in a grave danger.

Aqeel Ibn Abi Talib He was born in 590. His Kuniyath was Abu Yazd. He accepted Islam at the time of Hudaibiya and reached Madina in 8th Hijri. He fought in the Battle of Mutah. He became blind in his old age. He died at the age of 96. His son Muslim Ibn Aqeel was The first Martyr of Kerbala. He was Safeer (deputy) of Hussain to Kufa. Muslim Ibn Aqeel's two sons Mohammad and Ibrahim also met martyrdom in Kufa.

Jafar Tayyar was a famous General. He led the forces of Islam in the battle of Mutah and was martyred in the same battle. His both arms were severed and he held the standard of Islam with his teeth. He was the Winged Martyr of Islam. Fatima Bint Asad was exceptionally fond of her son Jafar, she loved him more than the others because he resembled Muhammad very much, and was extremely intelligent. But for the sake of Islam she bore the separation from him and his wife, Asma bint Omais, (when they migrated to Abyssinia on the Prophet's orders with the first group of Muslim migrants ). He seemed to have inherited the family's mastery over language and was also an eloquent speaker who could win people over to his viewpoint. It was with this same skill that he had won over the king of Abyssinia when the Quraish appealed to him to surrender the Muslims to them. He had eight sons. His son Abdullah married Zainab and Mohammad married Umme Kulsoom. Abdullah Ibn Jafar's sons, Aun and Mohammad were martyred on the lands of Kebala.

Ali Ibn Abi Talib Fatima Bint Asad 's younger son was Ali Ibn Abi Talib. No introduction is needed for this great Imam. But I like to mention some facts of his birth as it also concerns the great Lady Fatima Bint Asad. She stayed in the Kabah for three days and had the privilege of eating the fruits of heaven. At the time of the birth of the Prophet Jesus (Isa) his illustrious mother was forced to leave the Holy House. A voice said to her:

“O Mary, leave this Sacred Sanctuary for it is a place of Worship and not of childbirth.”

But when the time of Ali's birth approached, a voice was heard saying:

“O Fatima, Enter the Holy House (of God).”

On Friday, the 13th of the month of Rajab, year 599, Fatima bint Asad felt that she was about to give birth to her child. She came to the Sacred Kabah and began to go around it while praying, "O Allah! I believe in you and in the messengers and the scriptures you have sent. I believe in what has been said by my grandfather, Abraham who built this Ancient House. So, for the sake of the builder of this House, and for the sake of the child in my womb, who talks to me and who is my helper and friend, I implore you to make my labour easy. The child I am carrying is a sign of your greatness and glory."

Fatima bint Asad leaned against the wall of the Kabah to rest. Miraculously, the wall opened. Fatima bint Asad entered and the wall closed behind her. Abbas bin Abd al-Muttalib, the Prophet's uncle witnessed this miracle. He and his companions rushed to the gate of the Sacred House, which was locked, and tried in vain to open it. Understanding that the Divine was at work there, he and his companions ceased to interfere. The news of this incident soon spread throughout Mecca.

Imam Ali was born within the Kabah with his eyes closed and his body in humble prostration before the Almighty Allah. Fatima stayed in the Kabah for three days and as the fourth day approached, she stepped out, carrying her baby in her arms. She found the Holy Prophet waiting to receive the newly born child in his anxious arms. So the first face that little Ali saw in this world was the smiling face of the Apostle of God, Muhammad. Imam Ali's birth inside the honored Kabah is unique in the history of the world. Neither a prophet nor a saint was ever blessed with such an honor.

It is an undisputed historical fact recognized by all historians that the Holy Kabah is the birthplace of Ali. Glad tidings were brought to Abu Talib and his household. Upon their arrival at the Sacred House they saw Muhammad there with the child in his arms. He carried the baby Ali to the house of Abu Talib, where he, himself was brought up.

Fatima Bint Asad told that while she was inside the Kabah, she kept hearing a voice say, Name this child Ali. The name Ali is an optimistic and cheerful name. It signifies nobility, eminence, and elevation. No one before Ali had ever had that name, and no one before him or after him ever had the honor of being born inside the sacred walls of the Holy Kabah.

Her Funeral

Now we will refer to the funeral of Fatima Bint Asad during the Prophet's time. When Fatima Bint Asad (wife of Abu Talib and mother of Ali) died, the Holy Prophet was very much grieved.

Anas bin Malik says that when the Prophet got news of the death of Fatimah bint Asad, he immediately went to her house, sat beside her and prayed for her.

He gave his shirt to be used as part of her shroud, saying he prayed to Allah to forgive her and give her the dress of Paradise.

When the grave was prepared the Prophet himself examined it and with his own hands placed her into the grave.

Thus She was one of the few blessed people in whose graves the Prophet himself examined.

Verily, the Messenger of Allah gave shroud to Fatima Bint Asad in his own robe, when the women finished washing her, he carried her bier on his shoulder, and he remained under her bier till he bought it to her grave.

The Holy Prophet "remained under her bier" means that he did not carried it on his shoulder. In East Africa, a peculiar custom has been adopted: the son of the dead person remains "under the bier" literally; instead of carrying the bier or helping others carrying it, he places himself between those who are actually carrying the bier, and inconveniences them.

Then the Holy Prophet put her bier near the grave, and entered the grave and lay in it. Then he stood up and took the body in his hands and laid it into the grave. Then he put his face near hers whispering to her for a long time, telling her "your son, your son". Then he came out, filled the grave and shaped it properly. Then he inclined towards the grave, and people heard him saying:

'There is no god but Allah. O Allah, I am giving her to thee in trust' .

Then he returned home.

The Muslims said: 'O Messenger of Allah, today we have seen you doing such things as you had never done before!'

The Prophet said:

"Today I lost the righteousness of Abu Talib: Verily, she was so (kind to me) that whenever she had any good thing, she gave it to me, instead of using it for herself or for her own children. And I said once that on the Day of Judgment people would be assembled naked. She said: "Oh, the shame!" Therefore, I assured her that Allah would resurrect her with clothes. And I described the squeeze of the grave, and she said: "Oh, the weakness!" So, I guaranteed to her Allah would save her from it. It was for this reason that I gave her shroud from my own robe, and I lay down in her grave. And I knelt near her to teach her (the answers of) what she was being asked. And verily, she was asked about her Lord; and she said, "Allah is my Lord"; and about her Prophet, and she answered, "Muhammad". Then she was asked about her Wali and Imam, and she perplexed and hesitated a little; so I told her "Your son, your son". And she replied, "My child is my Imam". Then the two angels went away and said, "We have no authority upon you, sleep as a bride sleeps (with no worry at all)." Then she died again (i.e., her soul was taken out of her body again.)"

Mohammad's Sayings concerning Fatima Bint Asad

"May God bless your noble soul. You were to me like my own mother. You fed me while you yourself went hungry. Your aim in doing so was to please God with your deeds." He often said, "I was an orphan and she made me her son. She was the kindest person to me after Abu Talib."

"O God! Life and death are in Thy hands. Thou alone will never die. Bless my mother, Fatima bint Asad, and give her a mansion in Heaven. Thou art the Most Merciful."

"My dear mother, may Allah keep you under His Protection. Many times you went hungry in order to feed me well. You fed me and clothed me on delicacies that you denied yourself. Allah will surely be happy with these actions of yours. And your intentions were surely meant to win the goodwill and pleasure of Allah and success in the Hereafter."

"She kept her children hungry but made sure I got enough to eat. She did not comb her boys hair but put oil on my head and combed my hair".

Her sacrifices

Whenever Islam was faced with heavy onslaught it was the sons of Abu Talib and Fatima Bint Asad who stood as a shield and stoically bore the brunt of all sorts of catastrophes and calamities including the deaths and exiles but did not budged from safeguarding Islam. Who would be unaware of the sacrifices of Ali and Jafar in the initial stages of Islam? They were always ahead in every field in every arena, ever ready to sacrifice themselves in the cause of Islam. They were true sons of Abu Talib and Fatima Bint Asad and real images of their selfless services. Even in Karbala at many places the examples of their sacrifices and dedications can be seen. In the epoch-making event of Karbala whoever from Bani-Hashim had the privilege of attaining the much coveted martyrdom was a flower from the garden of Abu Talib and Fatima Bint Asad. Today wherever the name of Islam has survived it is the fruits of their sacrifices.

The Garden of Islam owes its freshness to these flowers.

These are the eighteen Bani Hashim who were Martyred on the land of Kerbala along with Imam Hussein

Qasim bin Al-Hassan
Abdullah ibn Al-Hassan
Abdullah Al-Akber bin Al-Hassan
Ali Asghar bin Hussain
Ali Akber bin Hussain
Abdullah bin Ali
Usman bin Ali
Jafar bin Ali
Abbas bin Ali
Aoun bin Abdullah bin Jafar
Mohammad bin Abdullah bin Jafar
Abduallah Bin Muslim
Muhammad Ibn Muslim
Jafar Bin Aqeel
Abdul Rehman Bin Aqeel
Abduallah Ibn Aqeel
Moosa ibn Aqeel
Mohammad Abi Saeed bin Aqeel



“Hofnai or Kaphnai, born 530, was the 32nd Exilarch who ruled from 560-580 in Iraq. He was from the lineage of King David. He gave his daughter Princess Zahna in marriage to Asad, the son of Hashim of Mecca. Asad had a daughter called Fatima. She married Abu Talib and gave birth to Ali. Ali was appointed as the First Holy Imam or Leader. Ali was born inside Kabah, the Holy House built by Abraham for the worship of One True God. Therefore, Imam Ali was the descendent of King David through his grandmother Princess Zahna. 

Islam teaches that the Awaited Messiah is the 12th and final Holy Imam. Hence, the expected Messiah is from the line of King David. Through Lady Fatima the holy bloodlines of both sons of Abraham unite in the coming Ruler of the World. The ancient books speak of the coming of a powerful man to bring peace and justice on Earth. The Holy Messiah will have the Divine Right to rule the world.”

Eid ul Fitr 
1 Shawwal 1433 Hijri
