Fatima's Equal


Fatima has no equal but Ali


Fatima al Zahra was 17 years old when she got married to Ali who was 25; this is assumed if Fatima Zahra was born when Kabah was being rebuilt five years before Prophet's appointment. Medina's rich people from the greats of tribes and Quraish including Abu Bakr and Umar proposed to marry Fatima Zahra, but the holy Prophet denied, even the rich proposed and he didn’t accept and was waiting God's order.

One day Gabriel came from the almighty God and sent greetings and gave the good news that God married Fatima to Ali, so the prophet shall do the same and marry Fatima to Ali, the holy Prophet informed Ali, then told God's wish to Fatima too, then his holiness came to the mosque and ordered Belal to gather emigrants and comrades. The holy Prophet ascend the pulpit and said: O the greats of Quraish, you proposed to marry Fatima and I swear God that my not accepting was according to God's order, now Gabriel descended to me and sent me God's order:

لَو لَم اَخْلُق عَلياً لَما كانَ لِفاطمةَ كُفوٌ على وَجْهِ الاَرْض آدمُ و مَنْ دونَه

"If I had not created Ali, there was no match for Fatima from Adam to the end of the earth"


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