


O Fatima the Shining One.



Dear readers.

Peace be with you.

I have presented here important information about Lady Fatima.

Some of the information written here is collected from my own personal library of books in my home. Some of the information given here is my own work, while other parts of the text were gathered from various different sources, including many muslim clerics, radio, television, and lectures that I had attended on the anniversaries of Lady Fatima’s birth and death. There are also some other spiritual and religious things that are not written here, but discussed by my friends and I in our local mystical gatherings on special sacred days of the year.

This website is especially for those who are just and those who love the truth and those who wish to seek the truth. It is also for people who love God and His chosen men and women. Rest of the readers who come study the life of Fatima are also welcome to ask questions and comment.

Thank You. God be with you.

U.K. 12:38 pm GMT



Simply Light


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The Simple Woman

There was a 25 year old woman who lived in seventh century desert. In appearance she looked like an ordinary lady. She was tall and beautiful. Her husband loved her. She loved her husband. She has two sons and one daughter. But some people claim that this was not really a woman.

The followers of this woman believe that she was Light from Paradise that visited the Earth. With her also came other Lights from Heaven. They say her father, husband and children were also Special Lights that Descended upon the Earth. They lived like ordinary people. They had friends and enemies. But this woman was central to them all.

She was simple yet Secret. She was clear yet unfathomable. She was powerful yet Merciful. She was manifest yet Hidden. This was Heavenly Woman.

Why is this woman who lived an ordinary Bedouin life so relevant to every human being. Man find in her fulfilment of their deep inner need. Females receive their Energy from her.

She was the Light from the Origins of Cosmos. We need to know her in order to understand our world. We need to revere her to maintain our Existence. She is the Purpose to Life.

The Cult of Divine Light Lady believes that she is the Salvation. She is means to Eternal Life. She gives immortality to mortals. She gathers in her light her lovers.

The Cult claims that she did not use her supreme power. She gave them up and suffered persecution as a result.. She gave up her soul in the year 632. She returned to her Throne. Her sons and husband were also martyred in cause of Truth. They now reign Supreme across the Universe. Her sons are Leaders in Paradise. Her husband is Master of the Universe. Her father is Blessing for all Existence.

The Cult names her as Fatima. They call her The Shinning One. She has other titles such as The Sacred Fountain, and The Powerful Night. She is labelled The Pure Lady. She is called The Truthful. She is called The Will of God. She is referred to as Leader of Females. Her believers address her as The First Lady of Cosmos. They know her as The Highest Women in Heaven.

Friday 7 Ramadan 1433.
[27 July 2012]

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Fountain Lady


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The Lady of The Fountain

In Arabic, Fountain is Koser.

Chapter 103 of Holy Koran reveals the Secret:

"We [God] have given you [Lady] Koser.
So celebrate [Her] as His Grace.
He who dislikes Her is Lost."

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Friday 15 Shaban 1433.
[ 6 July 2012, 12:35pm ]


Fatima's Equal


Fatima has no equal but Ali


Fatima al Zahra was 17 years old when she got married to Ali who was 25; this is assumed if Fatima Zahra was born when Kabah was being rebuilt five years before Prophet's appointment. Medina's rich people from the greats of tribes and Quraish including Abu Bakr and Umar proposed to marry Fatima Zahra, but the holy Prophet denied, even the rich proposed and he didn’t accept and was waiting God's order.

One day Gabriel came from the almighty God and sent greetings and gave the good news that God married Fatima to Ali, so the prophet shall do the same and marry Fatima to Ali, the holy Prophet informed Ali, then told God's wish to Fatima too, then his holiness came to the mosque and ordered Belal to gather emigrants and comrades. The holy Prophet ascend the pulpit and said: O the greats of Quraish, you proposed to marry Fatima and I swear God that my not accepting was according to God's order, now Gabriel descended to me and sent me God's order:

لَو لَم اَخْلُق عَلياً لَما كانَ لِفاطمةَ كُفوٌ على وَجْهِ الاَرْض آدمُ و مَنْ دونَه

"If I had not created Ali, there was no match for Fatima from Adam to the end of the earth"


Fatima in French


Fatima in French - by zulq

Nom - Fatima
Titre - Al-Zahra ( La Lumiére )

Saint Prophète Muhammad a dit :

"Fatima est la reine des femmes qui habitent le Paradis"

[Fatima is the queen of women who live in Paradise]

"Fatima est une partie de moi-même. Celui qui agace son qui me gêne.."

[Fatima is a part of myself. The one who annoys her annoys me..]

"Al-Mahdi est une vérité. Il descend de Fatima"

[Al-Mahdi is a truth. He is descended from Fatima.]

"Fatima est la maîtresse des femmes (sayyidatun nisa)"

"Le contentement de Fatima est ma satisfaction. Ma satisfaction est la satisfaction de Dieu. La colère de Fatima est ma colère. Ma colère est la colère de Dieu."

[Contentment of Fatima is my satisfaction. My satisfaction is the satisfaction of God. Fatima's anger is my anger. My anger is the anger of God.]

"Celui qui fait mal Fatima, me fait mal, et celui qui me fait mal, mal de Dieu."

[Whoever hurts Fatima, hurts me, and whoever hurts me, hurts God.]

"Dieu est en colère si Fatima est en colère, et il est heureux quand elle est heureuse."

[God is angry if Fatima is angry, and He is pleased when she is pleased.]

"Le plus excellent parmi les femmes du monde sont: Maryam fille d'Imran, fille de Asiyah Muzahim, la fille de Khadija Khuwailid, et sa fille Fatima de Mohamed."

[The most excellent among the women of the world are: Maryam daughter of Imran, Asiyah daughter of Muzahim, Khadijah daughter of Khuwailid, and Fatima daughter of Mohamed.]

"Les premières personnes à entrer au Paradis seront Ali et de Fatima."

[The first people to enter Paradise will be Ali and Fatima.]




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Miscellaneous Pearls

by zulq

Fatima is the Unseen Light
What can make you see the Brightness
She is Behind the Veil of Her Lord
Honour her and Desire her
Her Light will Invade your Being.

[29 Ramadan 1433 18.8.2012]
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The Ascension to of Mohammed to Heavens

[Date 621 C.E.]

Nabi's supporter Khadija and protector Abu Talib had died.
Nabi was sad all year.
God took him on journey to across the Universe.
Nabi was shown his beloveds. They were Divine Signs.
Greatest Sign in Heaven was Fatima.
Nabi retured to Earth.
Nabi always rose in honour when Fatima entered.

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O Husain O Al Zahra

Fatima was killed by Fire.
Husayn was killed by Sword.

Shamsheer se zalam khoon bahaty hein
Aag se shaytan noor bujaty hein

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Zahrah was Light of God
Mostfa was Mercy of God
Mortza was Power of God
Husain was Love of God
Hassan was Beauty of God

1 Ramadan 1432 [2 August 2011]

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Divine Cloak


Protected Mantle


Fatima Shielded


Hadeeth al-Kisa (Event of the Cloak) demonstrates the purity and closeness of the Holy Family of the Prophet:

One day, the Holy Prophet of Allah came to the house of his daughter, Fatima, and told her that he was very tired and asked her to cover him with his cloak. As she was covering the Allah's messenger, his face lit up and shined like the full moon. After a while, Imam Hassan came to the house and said that he could smell the fragrance of his grandfather. Fatima told her son that his grandfther was resting under the cloak. Hassan greeted the Holy Prophet and asked his permission to come under the cloak. Permission was granted. Similarly, Husain, Ali, and Fatima, asked permission and went under the cloak. Fatima said that when we had gathered under the cloak, Almighty God said, "Oh my angels, and all those who are in the Universe, let it be known to you that I swear by my honour and might that I have not created the heavens and earth and what is contained in them, but only out of love for the five honourable one who are under the cloak. They are Fatima, her father, her husband, and her two sons. It is certainly my purpose to keep way all evil from the holy family and to purify them completely." Mighty Angel Gabriel came and delivered this message to us while we were still sat under the cloak.

Ali later asked the Holy Prophet to explain the significance of their gathering under the cloak, the Prophet said, "I swear by Allah that whenever this tradition will be received among our friend and lovers, Allah's mercy will descend upon them and the angels will surround them and ask forgiveness for them until they disperse. Allah will also remove the sorrow and answer the prayers of those who come to ask. Ali swore by the Lord of the Kaba that the Ahl al-Bayt and their friend had profited both in this world and the next."




Central Light


Gathering of Light

Fatima was surrounded by 5 Beings of Light.

God made Fatima and She was Light. God put her at centre of Gathering of Lights.


Fathom Her


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The Veiled Light

Beginnings of the Code: A.L.M.

"This is it. The Book. This is the Book. Sure. Certain. No Doubts. It has Facts. Its the Guide. It contains Guidance. A Way. The Path. For Seekers. For Lover. The Truth Lovers. Who. Women. Men. Those who accept the Veil. Hidden. Invisible. A curtain."

What Lies Behind the Veil. Would you be able to fatham. Unlikely except a few.

The Cow said:

“This is the book that has no doubt, guides the honest ones, who have faith in things unseen.”

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Saturday 29 Ramadan 1433.
[ 18 August 2012, 4:07pm ]







