

The Two Holy Women


I love Holy Fatima and Holy Zainab. For these Pure women I have created these two websites:


Video channel on You Tube is: http://www.youtube.com/user/zulqk

Recommended books for reading:

"A Shi'ite Anthology" by William C. Chittick
"Fatima is Fatima" by Dr. Ali Shariati

If you can contribute with knowledge then please do. Thank you.

Peace to all readers.

This website is a shrine to the Lady of Holy Light.
It is dedicated to Al Zahra, the pious daughter of Prophet Mohammed.

God bless her and her children.


Glory of God's Light

In the words of Imam Hasan Al Askari:

Nahno Hojjatallahi alaa Khalq,
wa Fatimato Hojjato alaynaa

"We are God's Proof on the Creation,
and Fatima is the Proof for us

God speaking to Mohammed said:

" The Universe would not have been created if I had not created you; and you would not have been created if I had not created Ali; and Ali would not have been created if I had not created Fatima."


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