

Fatima's Earth


Celebration of The Planet


Allah created Earth.

He made it for Fatima.

Earth was given to Fatima.

It was her wedding gift.

Earth was given to Fatima on the day of her marriage.

Messenger of God gave Fatima the Earth when she married Ali.

Allah created Earth for Fatima; and it was given to her as gift on her day of wedding.



Fatima Origin





Before the world began...

God said let there be Light.

And there was Lady of Light.

And the Light was Pure.

Light upon Light.


Sacred Time


In Brief





Blessed Holy Lady Fatima said:

“One day my father God’s Holy Prophet came to the my house asked me to cover him up with his special cloak from Yemen, He told me he was very tired. As I put the cloak on him, suddenly his face lit up shinning like the moon. He sat under the cloak and asked me Ali, Hasan and Husain. They were out and I sent for them. Soon entered my husband my two sons. They came said they could smell a sweet scent of God’s messenger near by. I told them that he is resting under his cloak. They saw him and asked if they too could enter under the cloak. He granted them permission and they all went into the cloak. I too followed them and went into my father’s cloak. Then my father lifted towards the sky the two corners of the cloak and asked God to bless us his Household.

At that point, God said to the Angels in heaven: ‘O my angels, let it be known across the universe that I swear by my Honour and Might that it was only for the love of these five people of Prophet’s House who are gathered under the cloak that I created the Earth and the Galaxies and and all that in them.’

Angel Gabriel asked God who are the five.

God said: ‘Fatima, her father, her husband and her sons.’

Gabriel asked permissions from God to fly to Earth and join them. He was granted permission.

Gabriel landed in my house and said greetings. He told my father how God is before the Angels in heaven praising you five. Gabriel then asked my father if he could enter under the sacred cloak. He was allowed to enter and become the sixth.

Gabriel then revealed divine message he had brought down: ‘God wants to keep away from you all evil O people of the House and to keep you thoroughly clean and pure.’

At that point Ali asked God’s messenger to reveal the significance of this cloaked gathering.

My father replied: ‘I swear by God that when this event becomes known and our lovers gather to remember it, God will shower his grace upon them; the Angels will surround them and pray for them. God will ease their sorrows and grant them their wishes.’

Ali said: ‘By God, we have attained height of success and our lovers have also succeeded in this world and on the day of Judgement.’ "


God Bless Mohammed and Family of Mohammed








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O Zahra,

Protected are you from wrong
Protected are you from falsehood
Protected are you from evil
Protected are you from dishonour

The Creator has shielded you with Veil most honourable

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O Zahra,

High are you in sight of pious men
High are you in sight of pious women
High are you in sight of all Angels

The Creator has made you a creation most High

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O Zahra,

Peace is you
Peace is your word
Peace if your sight
Peace is your thought

The Creator as made peace for you

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O Lady of Light,

What words can I speak with my tongue
What words can I think with my mind
What words can I feel with my heart
What words can I know with my soul

The Creator has made you and everything for you

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Fatima Bint Mohammed

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Salam on You, O Model of Honour.

Great are You in Sight of Creator.

Hidden are You from men of dishonour.

Blessed are You O Daughter of Mohammed.

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To be in love is to place them in your heart.
To be nearest is to make them your heart.
To be close is to shine light upon them.
To be closetest is to give them your will.

Fatima is Muhammad's Kurba and God's Izza
Fatima is Nabi's Kalb and God's Hubba
Fatima is Noor of Ali and God's Wali
Fatima is Momin's Jannah and God's Mawada

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What words can I say
How can I sing praise
Whom God made her pure
And said shes My Light sure



to eyes it is a universe, in reality it is your mention
in words its your story, in verse its your face

until you are in a garden, in flowers is no color nor scent
petals contain your smell, in flowers is your beauty

poet cannot utter the song, you have no substitute
he becomes crazy about you, he who sees you once

i know not how to serve thee, O life of my life
this heart bowed anywhere where it saw your glimpse

full moon is dull before thee,
you are light, if someone sees your face






The Two Holy Women


I love Holy Fatima and Holy Zainab. For these Pure women I have created these two websites:


Video channel on You Tube is: http://www.youtube.com/user/zulqk

Recommended books for reading:

"A Shi'ite Anthology" by William C. Chittick
"Fatima is Fatima" by Dr. Ali Shariati

If you can contribute with knowledge then please do. Thank you.

Peace to all readers.

This website is a shrine to the Lady of Holy Light.
It is dedicated to Al Zahra, the pious daughter of Prophet Mohammed.

God bless her and her children.


Glory of God's Light

In the words of Imam Hasan Al Askari:

Nahno Hojjatallahi alaa Khalq,
wa Fatimato Hojjato alaynaa

"We are God's Proof on the Creation,
and Fatima is the Proof for us

God speaking to Mohammed said:

" The Universe would not have been created if I had not created you; and you would not have been created if I had not created Ali; and Ali would not have been created if I had not created Fatima."
