


Peace be to all readers.

This blog is dedicated to Lady Fatima,
the infallible daughter of the Holy Prophet Muhammad.

Thank you.








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Peace to all visitors.
On this page, you will find research material about Holy Lady Fatima.


If you see any mistakes, then please let me know. Thank you.








O Fatima the Shining One.



Dear readers.

Peace be with you.

I have presented here important information about Lady Fatima.

Some of the information written here is collected from my own personal library of books in my home. Some of the information given here is my own work, while other parts of the text were gathered from various different sources, including many muslim clerics, radio, television, and lectures that I had attended on the anniversaries of Lady Fatima’s birth and death. There are also some other spiritual and religious things that are not written here, but discussed by my friends and I in our local mystical gatherings on special sacred days of the year.

This website is especially for those who are just and those who love the truth and those who wish to seek the truth. It is also for people who love God and His chosen men and women. Rest of the readers who come study the life of Fatima are also welcome to ask questions and comment.

Thank You. God be with you.

U.K. 12:38 pm GMT



Simply Light


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The Simple Woman

There was a 25 year old woman who lived in seventh century desert. In appearance she looked like an ordinary lady. She was tall and beautiful. Her husband loved her. She loved her husband. She has two sons and one daughter. But some people claim that this was not really a woman.

The followers of this woman believe that she was Light from Paradise that visited the Earth. With her also came other Lights from Heaven. They say her father, husband and children were also Special Lights that Descended upon the Earth. They lived like ordinary people. They had friends and enemies. But this woman was central to them all.

She was simple yet Secret. She was clear yet unfathomable. She was powerful yet Merciful. She was manifest yet Hidden. This was Heavenly Woman.

Why is this woman who lived an ordinary Bedouin life so relevant to every human being. Man find in her fulfilment of their deep inner need. Females receive their Energy from her.

She was the Light from the Origins of Cosmos. We need to know her in order to understand our world. We need to revere her to maintain our Existence. She is the Purpose to Life.

The Cult of Divine Light Lady believes that she is the Salvation. She is means to Eternal Life. She gives immortality to mortals. She gathers in her light her lovers.

The Cult claims that she did not use her supreme power. She gave them up and suffered persecution as a result.. She gave up her soul in the year 632. She returned to her Throne. Her sons and husband were also martyred in cause of Truth. They now reign Supreme across the Universe. Her sons are Leaders in Paradise. Her husband is Master of the Universe. Her father is Blessing for all Existence.

The Cult names her as Fatima. They call her The Shinning One. She has other titles such as The Sacred Fountain, and The Powerful Night. She is labelled The Pure Lady. She is called The Truthful. She is called The Will of God. She is referred to as Leader of Females. Her believers address her as The First Lady of Cosmos. They know her as The Highest Women in Heaven.

Friday 7 Ramadan 1433.
[27 July 2012]

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Fountain Lady


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The Lady of The Fountain

In Arabic, Fountain is Koser.

Chapter 103 of Holy Koran reveals the Secret:

"We [God] have given you [Lady] Koser.
So celebrate [Her] as His Grace.
He who dislikes Her is Lost."

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Friday 15 Shaban 1433.
[ 6 July 2012, 12:35pm ]
